Omni TR gives you the convenience of browsing Omnisphere Patches and Multis remotely from your iPad.
Browsing Multis
You can browse Multis from every page in Omni TR. Touch the folder icon to the left of the “Browse Multis” display to reveal a list displaying the first 75 Multis currently shown in Omnisphere’s Multi Browser. Touch a Multi name to load it.
When you are performing live, you can use Attributes to filter the Multis for your live set in Omnisphere’s Multi Browser and the filtered list will be reflected in Omni TR’s Multi Browser.
Browsing Patches
You can browse Patches from the Main, ORB, and Controls pages in Omni TR. Touch any of the folder icons to the left of the Patch names to reveal a list displaying the first 75 Multis currently shown in the respective Patch Browsers in Omnisphere. Touch a Patch name to load it into the selected Part.
One really useful feature is that you can set up each of Omnisphere’s 8 Patch Browsers with different filtering. In other words, the Browser for Part 1 can be set to display ARP+Rhythm sounds, the Browser for Part 2 can be set to display Textures, Psychoacoustic sounds can be displayed in Part 3, and so on, for subsequent parts. This way each of the 8 Parts can have 75 different Patches available to choose from in Omni TR-a total of 600 at any given time.
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