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Related topics are listed below.

The Mixer

The Mixer

The Mixer Page offers many features: • A traditional eight-channel mixer for adjusting and monitoring overall volume, pan, and aux send levels of entire Parts. • Control of Audio Output Assignments for each Part. • Muting and Soloing of Parts. • Switching…

The Sounds

The Sounds

In addition to the numerous ways to add sounds to RMX, there are a wealth of sound options that are included with Stylus RMX for you to use as a starting point for your own creativity. Here’s what’s available at a glance—click the links to find out…

The Modes

Part Modes » Trigger Modes » The Modes

There are four Trigger Modes: IMMEDIATE As soon as a note/play command is received, RMX plays the Groove. There is no delay. Immediate Trigger Mode works well when playing notes from sequencer tracks or for instantaneous triggering from a MIDI controller. RMX…

The Footer

The Footer

The Footer is the one area of the Stylus RMX interface that remains constant across all pages and modes. This area is central to navigation and contains many important features: Master Volume and Master Meters All Play/All Stop Buttons Host Sync Button Value…

The Grill

Edit Groups » The Grill

When RMX is first opened, the Edit Group editing area is covered by the Edit Group Grill. For users who wish to only use the MAIN Edit Group, the grill can be left in place and these additional Edit Group features can be ignored. In this case, any change to an…

The Browser

The Browser

The Browser is a powerful multi-purpose area that offers: Fast, organized access to thousands of grooves and sounds from the RMX Core Library, Expansion Libraries, and Imported REX files. Auditioning and loading of Grooves and sounds Tools for creating custom…

The SAGE Directory

Concepts » Directory Structure » The SAGE Directory

The SAGE directory contains everything that the Stylus RMX software plug-in needs to function. All the sound libraries including the Core Library, SAGE Xpanders, imported REX files, User Libraries, Patches, Defaults, Effects settings, Documentation, and Favorites…

The Edit Page

The Edit Page

The Edit Page offers a full set of synthesis and sound design parameters for tailoring Elements to fit your musical needs and for creating your own unique sounds. The Edit Page is accessed from the EDIT button in the Footer section of the Stylus RMX interface. The…

The Power Button

Chaos Designer » The Power Button

The Chaos Designer remains inactive until the Power Button in the upper left corner is turned ON. It is active when the button is blue and inactive when gray. *The Power Button can be automated or MIDI-Learned so that the Chaos Designer is activated only at…

Moving the SAGE Directory

Getting Started » Moving the SAGE Directory

After installation, you might want to move the large SAGE folder directory (containing all the sound files) to a secondary drive in order to free up space on your internal drive. Locating SAGE macOS 10.12 (or later) Select the Go menu at the top of your screen while…

The EXP Libraries Directory

Concepts » Directory Structure » The EXP Libraries Directory

The EXP Libraries directory contains the data for all installed official Groove Control® products, including any S.A.G.E. Xpanders™ (.db files). There are no user-serviceable files in EXP Libraries. Any other files placed in this directory will not appear in the…

The User Libraries Directory

Concepts » Directory Structure » The User Libraries Directory

The User Libraries directory contains all of the converted “non-Groove Control” audio loops imported with the REX File Import feature in the Standalone. *See the REX File Import chapter for more info. If you batch convert an entire REX library by using drag…

The Stylus RMX Directory

Concepts » Directory Structure » The Stylus RMX Directory

The Stylus RMX directory contains five sub-directories and a Documentation folder: CORE LIBRARY This directory contains all the Core Library .db files. There are no User-serviceable files in here. Do not delete of move any of these files or RMX will not work…

The FX Patch System

FX » The FX Patch System

The flexible FX Patch system offers rapid access to the full power of the RMX FX. You can easily create, copy, paste, save, and recall individual FX Units or entire Racks of FX to give any Element a customized sound. NOTE: “Presets,” “Programs,” or…

The SAGE Libraries Directory

Concepts » Directory Structure » The SAGE Libraries Directory

The SAGE folder contains all sound libraries except the Core Library. All SAGE Xpanders, converted Groove Control libraries and Imported REX files reside here. There are two sub-directories which appear in the Browser: EXP Libraries and User…

The Spectrasonics Logo / Credits Page

The Edit Page » The Spectrasonics Logo / Credits Page

Clicking the Spectrasonics logo will reveal the Stylus RMX Splash Screen. Here you’ll be able access Smart Updates for Stylus RMX. You can also select SHOW CREDITS to list those details. Clicking anywhere on the Credits Page returns you to the Edit…

Utility Menu

The Footer » Utility Menu

The Utility Menu is the main drop-down menu and has five system-oriented functions: Used for Managing Multis and Kits. Used for Managing individual Parts. Contains the MIDI Learn features. Accesses this Reference Guide from within the plug-in. Displays the…

Groove Lock™

Time Designer » Groove Lock™

The Groove Lock section lets you to lock the feel of a Groove to a Groove Lock Grid. The Groove Lock Grid represents the underlying rhythmic subdivisions to which slices of a Groove can be locked. Once a Groove Lock Grid is selected, you can adjust Groove Lock…

Easy Edit Page – Faders

The Edit Page » Easy Edit Page – Faders

LEVEL This fader controls the volume of the current Edit Group. This Level fader is different than the one found on the Mixer Page. Moving the fader to the left decreases the volume and moving it to the right increases the volume. PAN This fader controls the…

Timing Chaos

Chaos Designer » Timing Chaos

The Timing section of the Chaos Designer subtly affects the playback timing of slices in relation to their original starting positions in the rhythm. This is similar to the “humanizing” function found in many sequencers, but applied to audio loops. There are…

Easy Edit Page – Knobs

The Edit Page » Easy Edit Page – Knobs

The knobs on the Easy Edit Page are dual mode controls. Clicking the switches below each knob alternates between modes. PITCH / FINE TUNE KNOB In PITCH mode, this knob allows for semi-tone tuning. Turning the knob clockwise raises the pitch and turning it…

Pattern Variation

Chaos Designer » Pattern Variation

PATTERN This slider changes the probability of the Chaos Designer rearranging the slices of the Element to create a different performance. The more you raise the fader, the more you increase the possibility that the Chaos Designer will rearrange more slices in the…


The Browser » Navigation

Opening the Browser from the FOOTER Click on the Element Name Display or the adjacent Folder Icon. Opening the Browser from the EDIT PAGE Click on the Element Name field at the top-center of the EDIT page or the adjacent Folder icon. This is true for both the…

Speed Controls

The Browser » Speed Controls

The SPEED section of the Browser allows you to alter the playback speed of a Groove in relation to the host’s tempo. Once you’e altered the tempo by using the Half and Double buttons, the MIDI file will also change, so the adjusted Groove can be used on…


Chaos Designer » Buzz

The Buzz section of Chaos Designer lets you add unique buzzing, retriever, and stutter remix-style effects to slices in a Groove. It rapidly retriggers Slices in the Element, creating an electronic Buzzing effect. The results with Buzz Chaos can be wild,…

Level and Pan

The Edit Page » Level and Pan

LEVEL This fader controls the volume of the current Edit Group. This LEVEL fader is different than the one found on the Mixer Page. Since a Part is capable of 16 active Edit Groups, there could be as many as 16 Level faders from a single Element—all feeding…

Tube Limiter

FX » Dynamics » Tube Limiter

The Tube Limiter FX Unit in Stylus RMX is both a limiter and compressor. It was modeled on the warm sound of the famous Fairchild™ 670 tube limiters of the 1960s. The Tube Limiter has a slower and smoother response than the other compressors in Stylus RMX, that…

Favorites Utility Menu

The Browser » Favorites Utility Menu

The Favorites Utility Menu lets save the Edit Buffer Suite as a new Custom Suite, delete the currently selected Suite, or delete an Element from the selected Suite. To access the Favorites Utility Menu, click on the UTILITY display. Please watch Suite Editing…

Key Commands

Concepts » Interface Conventions » Key Commands

There are several keyboard/mouse click combinations that control Stylus RMX features: Command / Control-Click Sliders or Knobs Returns any slider or knob to its default position. Shift-Click Sliders Allows for precise adjustment of sliders. Shift-Click Part Play…

MIDI File Name Display

Time Designer » MIDI File Name Display

The MIDI File Name Display shows the name of the Element currently loaded into the selected Part. If a different time signature has been selected in the Pattern Modify section, that time signature is added to the name of the Element. Exporting A MIDI File The…


Chaos Designer » Capture

The Capture feature allows you to save the results of what happens when Chaos is affecting the Groove. Pressing the Capture button while RMX is playing creates a MIDI file of the currently playing Groove. Capture will round off to the end of the current pass of…

Pitch Chaos

Chaos Designer » Pitch Chaos

The Pitch section of the Chaos Designer affects the pitch of slices in the Element. The three parameters in this section determine how much and what kinds of changes will occur. Raising the sliders causes more slices to be pitch-shifted more frequently. Imagine…

Working with Time Signatures

Time Designer » Working with Time Signatures

One of the most groundbreaking features in Time Designer is that you can change the time signature of any 4/4 audio loop in real-time. This includes any Groove in the Core Library, Classic Stylus, S.A.G.E. Xpanders, or any REX file you’ve imported (including…


Time Designer » Meter

The Meter Menu Display shows the currently selected time signature. The original time signature of the groove is displayed in parenthesis. Using the Meter Menu, you can change the time signature of any 4/4 audio loop in Stylus RMX in real-time. That includes any…


The Browser » Grooves

There are three different types of Elements in RMX: Grooves, Sound Menus, and Kit Modules: GROOVE ELEMENTS are rhythm loops. Groove Elements produced by Spectrasonics are always easy to identify, since the original tempo of the groove is shown as the first four…

Modern Compressor

FX » Dynamics » Modern Compressor

The Modern Compressor FX unit has a bright, “solid-state” sound character with a fast response curve. The Modern Compressor was modeled after the legendary SSL™ compressors found in their renowned consoles that were used for many hit records. This compressor…


The Browser » Favorites

There are two main purposes for the Favorites feature of the Browser: There are a LOT of Grooves and sounds in Stylus RMX and what ships with the product is only the beginning! Growing your library by importing REX files means that the possibilities are endless.…

Settings Button

The Browser » Settings Button

The small SETTINGS Button resides above the Elements column in the Browser. This button controls how RMX handles parameter settings when switching from one Element to another. SETTINGS ON When the Settings Button is active, Stylus RMX will reset a Part to a…

Vintage Compressor

FX » Dynamics » Vintage Compressor

Although the Modern and Vintage Compressor units have nearly identical controls, the sound and response characteristics couldn’t be more different. The Vintage Compressor was modeled on vintage UA LA-2A™ and 1176™-style response curves, but has more…

Host Sync

The Footer » Host Sync

The Host Sync Button enables RMX to sync with the transport in the host software. When the Play button is activated in the host, all Host-Synced Parts in RMX will begin playing. Host Sync locks to the Host Song Position, so if the transport is started mid-measure,…

MIDI File Section

The Browser » MIDI File Section

This area of the Browser allows dragging-and-dropping a MIDI file to the host MIDI track if the host supports Drag-and-Drop. If your host doesn’t support Drag-and-Drop directly to a track, you can alternatively drag the MIDI file to the desktop and then…

MIDI Modes

Concepts » Groove Control » MIDI Modes

When working with Groove Control in RMX, there are two main MIDI modes. Slice Menu MIDI Mode In Slice Menu Mode, Stylus RMX presents each slice of a groove on its own MIDI note—exactly how Groove Control has always been presented. Pressing a single note plays a…

Signal Flow

FX » Signal Flow

Each FX Rack has three FX Slots. The signal flow of every FX Rack type is in series, feeding the audio from the top slot through the middle slot and then through the bottom slot. An example of this is illustrated in the picture below: • In this example, the…

Add / Remove

Edit Groups » Add / Remove

This menu item reveals / hides the ADD / REMOVE button in the Edit Group Editing Area. The ADD / REMOVE button allows you to move individual slices from one Edit Group to another. There must be more than one Edit Group for this feature to work. The button…


Getting Started » Stylus RMX Standalone » Keyboard

The Stylus RMX Standalone comes with an optional on-screen keyboard. From the View Menu, select “Keyboard” or hit “Command–K / Control-K.” The Keyboard opens along the bottom edge of the interface, but it can be moved anywhere on your desktop. Its…

Parts and Edit Groups

Global Modes » Kit Mode » Parts and Edit Groups

A Part in Kit Mode consists of an EDIT Page, FX Page, and a MIXER Strip (the Chaos Page is not used in Kit Mode). There are 8 Parts in Stylus RMX. Parts may be Saved, Loaded, Copied, Pasted, Cleared, and Reverted. Since each Kit Module resides on its own Part, there is…

Aux Sends / Routing / CPU

The Mixer » Aux Sends / Routing / CPU

Each of the four AUX knobs in each Part’s Mix Strip controls the send level to the corresponding AUX FX racks found on the FX Page. They are all “post-fader” sends. AUX SIGNAL ROUTING To get the most from the RMX FX, it’s important to understand…

Slice Menu Mode

Part Modes » MIDI Modes » Slice Menu Mode

Slice Menu Mode works with the current Groove Element that appears in the Element Name Display. This MIDI mode is ideal when you want to have a single groove with all of its slices presented across the keyboard, with each slice triggered by an independent note.…

Groove Control

Concepts » Groove Control

Groove Control® is a proprietary system of sound development created by Spectrasonics & ILIO that enables powerful, independent control over tempo, pitch, feel, and pattern—achieving the best possible sound quality for every loop. The sliced audio approach of…

BPM Delay X2

FX » Delays » BPM Delay X2

The BPM Delay X2 offers dual monoaural delays that are always synchronized to the host’s tempo. The feedback and drive controls can produce some cool sounds with the built-in resonant filtering. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed…

Mix Strip

The Mixer » Mix Strip

Each Mix Strip allows overall control of each RMX Part. PART NUMBER INDICATOR SWITCH The number at the far left indicates which Part a particular Mixer strip controls. If the number is highlighted in blue, this Part is the currently selected Part for editing when…


The Edit Page » LFOs

LFOs (Low Frequency Oscillators) are used for cyclical modulation effects like tremolo, filter sweeps, and auto-pan effects. There are three completely independent LFOs: AMP, FILTER, and PAN per Edit Group. Each LFO has it’s own sub-page with a full set of…

MIDI Files

Time Designer » MIDI Files

Once a Groove has been manipulated with Time Designer, you can export a MIDI file containing those changes to the host. You can also import any MIDI file into Time Designer for use as a Groove Lock Grid. Watch The Time Designer tutorial video. MIDI FILE NAME…

BPM Delay

FX » Delays » BPM Delay

The BPM Delay offers a single “true-stereo” delay unit that is always in-sync with the host’s tempo. The feedback and drive controls can produce some cool sounds with the built-in resonant filtering. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the…

Smart Update

Getting Started » Authorization » Smart Update

Stylus RMX includes our “Smart Update” system which makes it easy to keep your collection of Spectrasonics instruments up to date. This efficient system will automatically compile any needed updates into a single download. Running one installer will get your entire…



AAX Avid Audio extension – Avid’s proprietary, cross-platform plug-in format for Pro Tools. Apple Silicon Apple’s in-house CPU chips used in M-series processors. All current Spectrasonics instruments support Apple Silicon. AU Abbreviation for Audio…

Part Management

The Footer » Utility Menu » Part Management

These seven menu items perform the same functions in both Multi and Kit Modes. PART OPEN This menu item will open a Patch file on the currently selected Part from your hard drive via the standard “Open” dialog of your operating system. Keep in mind…

Activation / Deactivation

Edit Groups » Activation / Deactivation

CHECKMARKS Checkmarks indicate whether or not an Edit Group is active. When checked, it is active. DEACTIVATING AN EDIT GROUP This option appears at the bottom of the Edit Group drop-down menu when: There are more Edit Groups than just “Main”…


The Edit Page » Pitch

COARSE This fader allows for coarse tuning in semi-tones. Moving the fader to the right raises the pitch. Moving the fader to the left lowers the pitch. There is a two octave range in each direction (+/- 24 steps). FINE This fader allows for fine tuning in cents.…

Dynamics Chaos

Chaos Designer » Dynamics Chaos

The Dynamics section of Chaos Designer allows you to alter the Amplitude of Slices in the groove, which is useful for varying the dynamics of an existing loop over time. There are three parameters in this section that determine how much change occurs and what kind…

Tape Slammer

FX » Dynamics » Tape Slammer

The Tape Slammer FX unit is designed to simulate the effects of different types of analog tape compression, saturation, and age. It’s versatile and the perfect unit to add when you need a little more edge, grit, or warmth. It’s also ideal to make…

Formant Filter

FX » Filters » Formant Filter

The Format Filter adds characteristics of the human voice to any sound. It accomplishes this by chaining a narrow set of bandpass filters, set at specific frequencies, which reflect the formants of the human voice. PAGE ONE CONTROLS HEADSIZE Simulates the…

Retro Phaser

FX » Modulation » Retro Phaser

Retro Phaser has a vintage, low-fi vibe. On the surface it looks similar to the EZ Phaser, but has more features and a dedicated page for tone-shaping. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed (Wet) signal. The percentage indicated is the…

Core Library Organization

The Browser » Core Library Organization

Core Library is the term used for the standard sound set that comes with Stylus RMX. Check out the Browser – Core Library Tour and RMX 1.5 update Tour tutorial videos for a demo of what’s available in the RMX Core Library and how it is organized. When the…

Reverse / Sample Start

The Edit Page » Reverse / Sample Start

REVERSE This button allows you to reverse the playback of slices. When blue, the slices will be reversed. When gray, the slices play normally. SAMPLE START This slider allows you to trim the start point of the waveform. Moving the fader to the right moves…

Ultra Chorus

FX » Modulation » Ultra Chorus

Chorus is a pitch and delay effect that adds a rich, shimmering quality to a sound by detuning and delaying the incoming signal and combining it with the unaffected signal. The Ultra Chorus has a dedicated LFO—a ‘LUSH’ control, which gives this unit a dense,…


FX » Delays » Retroplex

The Retroplex delay unit is modeled after the Tape Echo units of the ’60s and ’70s like the Echoplex™, with some modern enhancements. It’s unpredictable and a lot of fun! MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed (Wet)…


The Edit Page » Envelopes

There are three independent Envelope generators – AMP, FILTER, and PITCH. Each Envelope has its own sub-page with a set of dedicated controls. To activate a sub-page, click one of the three names. These Envelopes work on a per-slice basis. AMP The…

Edit Buffer Suite

The Browser » Edit Buffer Suite

The Edit Buffer Suite is a special Suite located in User Favorites that has a unique set of functions: The Edit Buffer Suite is saved with the Multi, which means it will also be saved with the project in your host software. This means, for example, that by using…

PRO Verb

FX » Reverbs » PRO Verb

PRO Verb is the premier, studio-quality reverb unit in the RMX FX arsenal. It’s versatile and can achieve not only great Room, Plate, and Hall simulations, but it’s also capable of producing unusual metallic resonances and special effects. Be sure to check out…

Sub-Page Buttons

FX » Sub-Page Buttons

There are six buttons at the top of the FX page. Each one reveals a Sub-Page with it’s own FX Rack. When first visited, the FX Page defaults to the INSERTS sub-page. INSERTS RACK PAGE The Insert FX Rack is Part- and Edit Group-specific; each Part and Edit…

Interface Overview

Time Designer » Interface Overview

The Time Designer page is divided into 4 areas; the Time Designer Header, Pattern Display Area, Speed & MIDI File Area, and the Time Designer Controls: Time Shift, Groove Lock, and Pattern Modify. TIME DESIGNER HEADER The Time Designer Header contains the Power…

Valve Radio

FX » Amp / Distortion » Valve Radio

The Valve Radio FX unit is a unique device, which functions equally well as both a dual filter and a distortion device. The combination of these two effects can product many types of vintage radio and telephone speaker simulation effects. This unit also includes a…

BPM Delay X3

FX » Delays » BPM Delay X3

The BPM Delay X3 offers triple L-C-R mono delays that are always synchronized to the host’s tempo. The feedback and drive controls can produce some cool sounds with the built-in resonant filtering. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the…

Power Filter

The Edit Page » Power Filter

The Power Filter was developed in cooperation with GMedia, and is based on their famous* impOSCar* filter design. This rich-sounding filter requires a fair amount of CPU power and should be used sparingly on slower computer systems. !The Power Filter has…


FX » Amp / Distortion » Flame

FLAME is an extremely versatile distortion unit capable of anything from mild tube overdrive to nasty bit-crushing and radical fuzzbox effects. The Driver has many different types of waveshaping and the unique structure of not only pre / post gain, but pre / post…

Aux Send Mini-Slider

FX » Aux Send Mini-Slider

The* Aux Send Mini-Slider* controls the gain of the audio signal that the current Edit Group sends through a particular Mixer AUX Send Buss. It is then routed through the corresponding AUX knobs on the Mixer Page. The best way to think of this control is as an AUX…

Spring Verb

FX » Reverbs » Spring Verb

The Spring Verb faithfully recreates the retro vibe of the spring reverbs in 1960s-era guitar amplifiers. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed (Wet) signal. The percentage indicated is the amount of the signal that is Wet. Range: 0 to…

Ignore Assignments

Concepts » MIDI Learn » Ignore Assignments

This is a User-assignable preference that remains when RMX is opened the next time. Multi Patches are capable of saving MIDI Learn Assignments. Most of the time, you will likely wish to keep the current active MIDI Learn Assignments when loading a Multi Patch. In…


Concepts » Automation

Automation and external MIDI Control let you remotely control the parameters of RMX and to record and edit these adjustments in your host. This can be achieved by either of two means: Parameter Automation and MIDI Automation. Deciding which type of Automation to use…

Trigger Modes

Part Modes » Trigger Modes

Trigger Mode controls the playback synchronization of all the Elements on a particular part. This feature is extremely useful in Groove Menu MIDI Mode. When you select a Trigger Mode from the Trigger Mode Menu, it changes the Mode for all Parts. If you only want…

Help System

The Footer » Utility Menu » Help System

The REFERENCE GUIDE item in the Utility Menu is the direct link from the plug-in to this Reference Guide. You can choose this whenever you want to find out more about a feature or have question about how something works in Stylus RMX. If you wish to have a hard…

Master Filter

The Edit Page » Master Filter

The Master Filter was designed as a basic tone control. While this easy-to-use filter has a very good sound and requires quite a bit less CPU power than the Power Filter, it cannot be modulated like the Power Filter. TONE This fader activates a Low Pass Filter…

Musical Applications

Concepts » Groove Control » Musical Applications

There are many different ways to utilize Groove Control in various situations. All of these techniques involve ways of interacting with features from your host application and features in Stylus RMX. Sometimes the majority of the work will be done in the host, and…

User Libraries

Concepts » Default Settings » User Libraries

You can also use the Defaults settings system for User Converted REX Libraries. This allows imported REX files to automatically load with previously saved Default settings. APPLYING DEFAULT PATCH SETTINGS TO A SOUND DIRECTORY To create a default patch setting that…

Getting Started

Getting Started

Welcome to the Stylus RMX Reference Guide! Software Version 1.10.6d Stylus RMX is based on our S.A.G.E.™ Technology, which allows unprecedented real-time control over grooves. This Reference Guide is your source for comprehensive information about the functions…

Software License Agreement

Legal » Software License Agreement

Spectrasonics virtual instruments come with two License Agreements, one for the software itself and another covering usage of the sounds. Below is an example of our standard Software License Agreement. We encourage potential users to see the extensive Licensing FAQs…

Favorites Compatibility

The Browser » Favorites Compatibility

It’s important to keep in mind that Custom Suites are specific to the computer on which they are created and saved in the computer’s current SAGE directory like this: This means that if you use a Custom Suite in the creation of your host’s…


Time Designer » Presets

The drop-down arrow next to the Time Designer label accesses the Time Designer Presets Menu. Using the Presets menu, all Time Designer settings for the selected Part can be copied, pasted, or saved as a Preset for later recall. We’ve provided a few Example Time…

Power Filter

FX » Filters » Power Filter

The Power Filter was developed in cooperation with GMedia and is based on their famous impOSCar filter design. This rich-sounding filter requires a fair amount of CPU power and should be used sparingly on slower computer systems. It’s the same Power Filter as…

Radio Delay

FX » Delays » Radio Delay

Radio Delay is essentially a hybrid of a dual-mono BPM-style delay, but with the delayed signals running through the Valve Radio distortion filter. This produces cool, dual-filtered echo effects that sound like they are coming from distorted old speakers or…


Concepts » Groove Control » History

Starting in 1999, Spectrasonics and ILIO introduced the first Groove Control-activated products. These consisted of special CD-ROM sample libraries that were loaded into a hardware sampler and contained matching MIDI files that the user loaded into a MIDI sequencer for…

Retro Flanger

FX » Modulation » Retro Flanger

Flanging is a sweeping, comb-filter-type effect. The Retro Flanger has special features that give the sound a more lo-fi, vintage character. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed (Wet) signal. The percentage indicated is the amount of…

Groove Control vs. REX Files

Concepts » Groove Control » Groove Control vs. REX Files

REX files are often confused with Groove Control® because both share the basic concepts of sliced audio and MIDI files. A REX file is something anyone can create from a standard audio file loop by using Reason Studios’s ReCycle™ application since it is an open…

Directory Overview

The Browser » Directory Overview

The DIRECTORY is the main navigation area of the Browser that lets you access the thousands of sounds and Grooves in your SAGE directory. There are two primary Directory menus: MASTER DIRECTORY MENU (top) This upper field is used to access the four “Master…

PRO Phaser

FX » Modulation » PRO Phaser

The PRO Phaser FX unit is one of the most versatile and rich phaser designs ever. It is also capable of producing a wide array of unique sounds beyond traditional phaser effects, including tuned resonances, strange pitch-bending effects and envelope followed…

MIDI Modes

Part Modes » MIDI Modes

The MIDI Mode is selected by the drop-down menu display in the lower right corner of the Footer. MIDI Mode is an important function of Stylus RMX—it determines how each part responds to incoming MIDI note data and what type of playback result occurs when the MIDI…


FX » Modulation » Flanger

The simple to use Flanger unit provides many types of traditional flanging and tuned resonance effects. The invert switch allows for a wider range of sound characteristics than most flangers offer. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed…

EZ Verb

FX » Reverbs » EZ Verb

The EZ Verb is a simple-to-use, basic reverb unit with tone controls. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed (Wet) signal. The percentage indicated is the amount of the signal that is Wet. Range: 0 to 100% TIME Controls the length…

Element Name Display

The Footer » Element Name Display

The Element Name Display has two functions: It shows the name of the current Element on the currently selected Part. If a selected Part does not have an Element loaded, it remains blank. Clicking on the Element Name Display or the adjacent Browser Icon…