STACK MODE - Introduction




STACK MODE is a powerful feature designed for creating splits, layers, and crossfades with up to eight Parts at once. STACK MODE offers a flexible environment for either live performance or composing. STACK MODE is especially useful for recording a multi-Part performance using a single MIDI track in your host sequencer.

Using Latch and Trigger Modes together with Stack Mode allows you to create complex multi-Part performances that can be layered and quantized in real time.

Use STACK MODE instead of LIVE MODE when you want to create splits and crossfades, and play all the Parts using a single MIDI channel.

There are three different ways to interact with Parts using STACK MODE: NOTES, VELOCITY, and CC. Although they all share the same STACK MODE Grid layout, they are applied very differently from one another.

Using NOTES, each Part Region is mapped to a MIDI Note range, allowing you to map splits, layers and positional crossfades across your keyboard. Using VELOCITY, each Part Region responds to a specific Velocity range, so no matter where you are playing on the keyboard, different Part Regions can be triggered by playing harder or softer. Using CC, Part Regions can be switched and crossfaded using MIDI Control Change messages.


NOTE: STACK MODE works with multiple patches simultaneously, so it requires a powerful computer to make the best use of it.  To optimize performance, mute Patch FX like Reverbs and Delays and use the shared Aux Sends FX instead.


Enabling Stack Mode


To enable STACK MODE, select the Power Button to the left of the STACK MODE label. 

When STACK MODE is enabled, you’ll see “STACK MODE” displayed in the left side of the Omnisphere header. This will be visible from any page in the plug-in.



When STACK MODE is enabled, the Parts on the STACK MODE page are outlined in bright blue.

When STACK MODE is not currently enabled the Parts on the STACK MODE page will be dimmed out.