MAIN CONTROLS - Introduction



The MAIN CONTROLS page is the default page that Omnisphere opens to and can be considered the ‘dashboard of Omnisphere’. It allows quick changes to the Patch that’s been loaded, such as blending the Layers, Panning and Filtering. There are also useful performance controls that appear exclusively on this page.

The number of voices can be set, pitch and keyboard intonation and the bend ranges for the patch.  Lastly there are controls for the Solo modes, Glide and enabling the Arpeggiator (Arpeggiator presets are available from the drop-down menu).

The Main Controls page is divided up into three sections.  To the left and right are controls that affect the whole Part, and the center section has controls that are specific to each Layer.

Some parameters are unique to the Main Controls page, such as the MASTER FILTER, PITCH BEND and the SCALE options, for loading different types of tuning. 

It includes multipurpose sliders for PAN, ATTACK and RELEASE, so different changes can easily be made from one place.

Below the Soundsource name displays for each Layer in the center, the Zoom icons reveal more information about those Soundsources.