EDIT PAGE - FIlter Cutoff



The primary function of the filter is to remove, hence "cut off", frequencies from the sound.  Omnisphere’s filter can remove frequencies in a variety of ways, from Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass, Notch and also specialized filter types.   When different Types are loaded, the Cutoff will remove different frequencies from the sound.

Depending what Filter preset is chosen, the Cutoff control will remove different frequencies in various ways.

For example, if a Low Pass filter is used, turning the control counter-clockwise will remove the higher frequencies.  If a High-Pass Filter is used, the opposite will happen.  It’s best to experiment with cutoff control with the wide variety of Filter Types.

The Filter’s roll off slope is measured in dB, and is sometimes expressed in “poles”.  The higher the dB value, the greater the extent of the filtering, but this should not be confused with sounding “better”.  Filters with fewer poles can often sound more appropriate than those with more poles.

6dB =

1 Pole

12dB =

2 Pole

18dB =

3 Pole

24dB =

4 Pole

Range 00.05Hz to 19.00kHz