Note Patterns determine how the notes are ordered in the Arpeggiator pattern. Clicking on this field reveals the nineteen different patterns/modes.

  • Chord – all the notes held in a chord will be triggered at the same time, based on the velocity value of each step.

  • Up – all the notes held will be played in an ascending arpeggio.

  • Down – all the notes held will be played in a descending arpeggio.

  • Up/Down – all the notes held will first be played ascending, then descending.

  • Up/Down+ – similar to Up/Down, but repeats the highest note and the lowest note.

  • Down/Up – all the notes held will first be played in a descending arpeggio, then an ascending arpeggio.

  • Down/Up+ – similar to Down/Up, but repeats the lowest and highest notes when it reverses direction.

  • Random – All the notes held will be played in random order.

  • As Played – The notes are played in the order they are triggered.

  • Repeat X2 – Every note in the pattern will be repeated twice, in ascending order.

  • Repeat X4 – Every note in the pattern will be repeated four times, in ascending order.

  • Join – Join creates a pattern which starts with lowest note, then the highest note, alternating progressively inward until they meet in the middle, creating a pattern in a 6-note chord like this: 1-6-2-5-3-4

  • Spread – Spread creates a pattern that is the reverse of Join, creating a pattern which starts in the middle, alternating progressively outward until they reach the outermost notes, creating a pattern in a 6-note chord like this: 3-4-2-5-1-6

  • Join/Spread – Join/Spread begins with Join and at the end of the pattern, continues with the same notes in the Spread pattern.

  • Spread/Join – Spread/Join begins with Spread and at the end of the pattern, continues with the same notes in the Join pattern.

  • Stairs Up – Stairs Up creates a pattern which, starting with the lowest note, goes two notes up and one note down, continuing the pattern upwards.

  • Stairs Down – Stairs Down is the reverse of Stairs Up, starting with the highest note.

  • Stairs Up/Down – Stairs Up/Down begins with Stairs Up and at the end of the pattern, reverses direction, using the same notes to play the Stairs Down pattern.

  • Stairs Down/Up – Stairs Down/Up begins with Stairs Down and at the end of the pattern, reverses direction, using the same notes to play the Stairs Up pattern.

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