Keyscape’s keyboards and Trilian’s basses come equipped with controls that permit you to modify them in many creative ways . For those who want to delve even deeper, users can open any of the sounds from the Keyscape and Trilian libraries inside our flagship instrument, Omnisphere 2! Omnisphere Integration lets you expand the sonic possibilities of Trilian and Keyscape by applying Omnisphere’s sound-shaping and performance features. Here are just a few examples of the things you can do:
Combine Sounds
Using Omnisphere’s multiple Parts, you can combine any of the Satellite sounds with Omnisphere sounds. It is important to remember that many Satellite and Omnisphere sounds contain thousands of samples and that certain synthesis tools and effects can be very CPU-intensive.
NOTE: Of course you can also layer Keyscape sounds with each other, but be mindful of the fact that in addition to the CPU requirements, different Keyscape models are tuned differently. Certain models utilize stretch tuning—a type of tuning that accommodates the inharmonicity of certain acoustic and electro-mechanical keyboards that use strings, tines, and reeds.
You can use STACK MODE or LIVE MODE to create useful combinations of sounds by using keyboard or velocity splits, layering, or applying Part-switching to a Multi in LIVE MODE.
In this example, we show Trilian’s “Clean Fender – Full Range” loaded in Part 1, ” Keyscape’s “LA Custom C7 Grand” loaded in Part 2, Omnisphere’s playable texture “Distant Memories” in Part 3, and Part 4 uses a rhythmic kalimba-based sound, also from Omnisphere.
Using STACK MODE, you can split the keyboard at any key and play the bass in Part 1 from the bottom part of the keyboard, and Parts 2, 3, and 4 play as one layered sound.
Using the same Multi in Live Mode, you can instantly switch between the four parts using keyswitches.
Use the Arpeggiator
You can apply Omnisphere’s Arpeggiator to Satellite sounds to create rhythmic patterns. Here, the Trilian Patch, “Big Boy OSCar” uses Omnisphere’s Arpeggiator.
Use Omnisphere’s FX Units to Process Sounds
You can use any of Omnisphere 2’s great-sounding FX units to modify Satellite sounds or get under the hood and tweak what is already in use. Keyscape and Trilian already utilize many of Omnisphere 2’s FX Units, but there are lots more!
Try a wide variety of amps, stompboxes, and high-quality effects to create sounds that range from hard-hitting to ethereal.
In the example below, the Trilian Patch, “Chapman Stick Harmonics” has been processed with Innerspace, an FX unit that creates unique spaces and resonances, and then the signal was fed through a modeled vintage distortion in the Stompbox Modeler FX unit.
Apply Omnisphere’s Powerful Synthesis Tools
Any of the synthesis features inside Omnisphere 2 can be used with Satellite Instrument Patches or Soundscources to create unique sounds. In the example below, Granular is applied to Keyscape’s Classic Toy Piano sound to create a slowly evolving texture.
NOTE: Pay no attention to the Attribute “Dev” – it doesn’t concern you and using it may cause your hair to fall out.
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