When a parameter is modulated, the routing is automatically shown in two sections: in the left sidebar of the plug-in (replacing the Mini-Browser) and the Modulation section of the Layer pages. They both have similar controls, with the advantage that the sidebar on the left of the plug-in is visible from other pages (FX, ARP, Zooms, etc).
Both Modulation sections display the most recent modulation routing, which can also be edited there. The key concept of these Modulation sections is that only one Modulation Routing is displayed at a time (the MOD MATRIX ZOOM shows many routings simultaneously).
To display an existing Modulation Routing in the sidebar, right-click on the Target Parameter (e.g. Arpeggiator Speed) and select the routing from the “Show Modulation Menu.” In this case, the routing will be displayed in the left column of the plug-in while the Arpeggiator page is still open. This allows you to make adjustments to the Arpeggiator and the routing, minimizing the amount of navigation. To close this view and return to the Mini-Browser, click the [X] to the left of the title.
Selecting the drop-down arrow on the MODULATION header in the Layer Page will bring up a menu that allows new Modulation Routings to be created as well as the removal of existing routings. All of the Modulation Routings set up in the currently selected Layer are visible from this list. Selecting any of these routings will allow them to be displayed and modified in the MODULATION section of the Layer Pages.
The SOURCE area displays and selects the Modulation Source to control a target. Selecting SOURCE will open up a menu of 43 Modulation Sources and “OFF” clears any Modulation Source with a checkmark [√ ].
This slider is a duplicate of the AMOUNT slider in the Mod Matrix and controls the amount of modulation that will be sent from the Modulation Source to the Modulation Target. If the slider is set to minimum, the Modulation Source will have no effect on the Modulation Target. The higher the setting, the more the source will affect the target.
It’s possible to send too much signal from the Modulation Source, which can cause unusual behavior in the Modulation Target because the values are out-of-range. Out-of-range values are indicated with a red dot at the extreme right and/or left of the TARGET slider.
To bring the Modulation Amount to values within the Modulation Target’s range, decrease the SOURCE / AMOUNT slider amount until the red indicator dot is no longer visible.
The TARGET selects (and displays) the destination for the Source’s output. Omnisphere has a large number of Modulation Targets, including synthesis parameters as well as effects parameters.
When “Modulate All Layers” is selected from the menu, that Modulation Source applies to the relevant Modulation Target in all 4 Layers.
The full list of Targets is listed in the MODULATION section here.
This slider is a duplicate of the Target Parameter—meaning it’s another representation of the parameter that’s being modulated. Inside the parameter ‘slot’ is a dual indicator. The blue line represents the range of the modulation and the white point indicates the current value of the modulation. A red dot a the extreme right and/or left of the the blue line indicates the Modulation Source is sending values out of range of the Modulation Target.
The currently displayed Modulation Routing can be muted with this switch. This is a quick way to A/B the Patch with and without the Modulation Routing.
The Invert button inverts the Modulation Polarity.
For example, if the Modulation Source is an LFO with an ascending ramp wave as its waveform, it will invert the polarity, resulting in a descending ramp modulation.
SMOOTH (left column only)
The SMOOTHING control takes the incoming Modulation Source and softens the sharper points. This means that the character of the Modulation Source will not have quite as drastic or harsh an effect on the Modulation Destination. It works in a similar way to the Lag processors on some vintage synthesizers. This is the same principle that is used in GLIDE by reducing the rate at which the modulation evolves as it is applied to any source and target.
Modulation Source Controls (left column only)
For convenience, the Modulation Source controls are displayed at the bottom of the left column. For example, if an LFO is selected as a source, the corresponding LFO’s controls will be available here. When sources don’t have controls (Alternate, Random), a representative image will be displayed instead.
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