Live Mode

LIVE MODE is a powerful feature designed for a multi-Part performance in a live environment. It allows you to instantly and seamlessly switch and layer pre-loaded Parts on-the-fly. Live Mode also gives you large graphics for enhanced interface visibility in a live environment and the option of having two different MIDI controllers affecting different parts in the same Omnisphere instance.

NOTE: Live Mode can also be controlled remotely from your iPad using Windows Multitouch.

Stack Mode

STACK MODE is a powerful and flexible environment for live performance. It’s designed for creating splits, layers, and crossfades across the entire keyboard of up to eight Parts at once, all responding to a single MIDI channel.

Using Live and Stack Modes Together

When you activate “Stack Mode Note Regions” in the LIVE MODE settings page, you can use both Live and Stack Modes at the same time. This gives you the flexibility to combine the instant Part selection from LIVE MODE with STACK MODE’s splits and layering capabilities.

For example, for the verse of a song you might need a pad for the right hand in Part 1 and a bass for the left hand in Part 2. Then, in the chorus, you might need a different bass sound on the left and a polysynth on the right, which use Parts 3 and 4 respectively.

Load all four Patches in Parts 1-4, set their key ranges in the Stack Mode pane and enable “Stack Mode Note Regions” in the Live Mode settings. With Live Mode enabled, select parts 1 and 2 during the verse and 3 and 4 during the chorus. This will allow you switch between 2 pairs of split sounds on-the-fly.

NOTE: Depending on the multi, using LIVE MODE and/or STACK MODE can be CPU-intensive. If needed, you can try optimizing your sounds to minimize performance issues.

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