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Related topics are listed below.

Dice and Depth

The Orb » Dice and Depth

DICE Pressing the DICE button will instantly create a brand new group of intelligent sonic modifications and effects to try. There’s no limit to how many serendipitous sonic variations the DICE can create—opening up the vast power of the STEAM engine to…


The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Envelope Zoom » Depth

The DEPTH slider controls the amount of Envelope Modulation that is sent to the Mod Matrix and is a duplicate of the DEPTH control found in the MOD Envelope sections. At minimum settings, little to no modulation will be sent to the Modulation Target. At the maximum…


The Layer Pages » LFOs » Depth

The LFO DEPTH knob controls the intensity of the LFO’s effect on the Mod Target. The higher the setting, the greater the amount of the LFO signal is sent to the Mod Matrix.

Envelope Depth

The Layer Pages » Filters » Envelope Depth

The Filter Envelope Depth is a dedicated modulation control. It sets the amount that the Filter Envelope controls the Cutoff frequency. At minimum setting, the Filter Envelope has no effect on the Cutoff. The higher the setting, the greater effect the Filter…

Humanity and Life

Arpeggiator » Humanity and Life

Arpeggiators have always been the perfect tool for creating metric, machine-like patterns. HUMANITY is a powerful tool which introduces human-like inconsistencies, bringing new life to your Arpeggiator Patterns. The HUMANITY knob controls the amount of…

Tempo and Metronome

Getting Started » Omnisphere Standalone » Tempo and Metronome

You can easily set the Tempo of the Standalone’s internal clock to control time-based functions such as the Arpeggiator, LFOs, and Mod Envelopes. You can hide/show the Tempo controls by clicking the arrow in the center of the Footer. Setting the…

Category and Sort

The Browsers » Edit Tags » Category and Sort

CATEGORY Selecting this option will highlight all of the Assignments for the selected Attribute that have been used in the CATEGORY in which the loaded sound resides. The Assignments used for Omnisphere sounds will be highlighted in blue and the ones used on third…

Keywords and Notes

The Browsers » Edit Tags » Keywords and Notes

Keywords Keywords are descriptive words and phrases that are outside of the scope of Attributes, but are still useful when searching and browsing sounds. These can be more subjective and can be changed or added to both factory and User-created Multis and Patches. You…

Voices and Octave

The Main Page » Voices and Octave

Voices The VOICES selector determines the available polyphony (number of simultaneous playable notes) in a single Part. Omnisphere is capable of up to 64 voices per Part. The higher the number of voices a Patch has available, the more CPU power it will use,…

Inertia and Attractor

The Orb » Inertia and Attractor

Inertia and Attractor are key Orb parameters since they control the movement of the cursor, which directly affects the sonic results. INERTIA Inertia Switch This turns the Inertia ON or OFF. Inertia Amount The Inertia Amount controls the speed and…

Results and Info

The Browsers » Full Browser Overview » Results and Info

The Full Browsers have 4 columns for search criteria and the results are displayed in the 5th column on the right. When the Info View is selected, the Info Area provides detailed information about the selected sound in the right column. The image in the right…

Architecture and Hierarchy

Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy

Omnisphere is a uniquely powerful synthesizer that takes well-known elements of synthesis a step further to provide inspiration for any level of musician, producer, composer, or sound designer. Omnisphere can quickly provide production-ready sounds with its factory…

Parts and Patches

Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy » Parts and Patches

In Omnisphere, a Part can be thought of as an entire synthesizer, complete a multitude of parameters: oscillators, modulation routings, FX etc. A Patch is a snapshot of settings for those parameters and is loaded into a Part. A Patch is the most commonly used type…

Knobs and Sliders

Concepts » Interface Conventions » Knobs and Sliders

Using a mouse, Knobs and Sliders (vertical and horizontal) are adjusted by clicking and dragging. Most Knobs and Sliders in Omnisphere can be MIDI-Learned for direct control from a MIDI device. Knobs NOTE: Knobs are controlled by vertical (up and down) or…

Files and Directories

User Audio » Importing User Audio » Files and Directories

Omnisphere can import single or multiple (hundreds) of audio files at once. The way in which the files are organized prior to importing determines how they are organized in Omnisphere’s Soundsource Browser and in your STEAM folder. Importing Single or Multiple…

Strength and Clear

Arpeggiator » Groove Lock » Strength and Clear

Once you drop a MIDI Groove into the Arpeggiator, you can set the amount of the lock with the GROOVE LOCK’s STRENGTH slider. STRENGTH is a blend control that determines how much the imported MIDI Groove will affect the feel of the arpeggiated Pattern. At the…

Mute and Solo

The Mixer » Mute and Solo

Mute Selecting the M Button mutes the audio output for that Part. However, the Part is still playing in the background when muted, and will continue to use CPU resources. Solo Selecting the S Button will Solo a Part. When the Solo button is selected, only that…

Level and Pan

The Mixer » Level and Pan

LEVEL Each Part has a LEVEL fader. Moving the fader to the left decreases volume, moving the fader to right increases volume. The LEVEL meter displays the Part’s current signal level. Although the meter can go into the “red,” Omnisphere will rarely…

Results and Info

The Browsers » Mini-Browser Overview » Results and Info

After filtering using Attributes Mode or using Sound Match to find similar sounds, the list of results is displayed in the lower area of the Mini-Browser. Information about the loaded Patch is displayed in the middle area of the Main Page. When this area is…

Solo and Glide

The Main Page » Solo and Glide

SOLO SOLO allows the Patch to play monophonically and is the most effective when playing lead or bass lines. It works in conjunction with the LEGATO button to the left of it, which determines how the sound is triggered. LEGATO Legato is a triggering mode…

Sustain and Expression

The Main Page » Sustain and Expression

SUSTAIN MODES There are two Sustain Modes available in the Footer—Standard Sustain (Mode 1) and Alternate Sustain (Mode 2). The Sustain Mode selection switches (numbered 1 and 2) allow you to switch between modes, and are MIDI-Learnable switches. Standard…

Level, Amp, and Pan

The Layer Pages » Layer Page Basics » Level, Amp, and Pan

Each Layer has Level and Pan controls in addition to an AMP control—these are commonly used as modulation targets. LAYER LEVELS The level sliders are used to blend the Layers. Often, even a subtle change in level can affect the sound dramatically. Range -inf…

Displaying and Navigating Results

The Browsers » Operation » Displaying and Navigating Results

There are numerous options available for navigating through the sounds and changing how they are organized and displayed. These tools let you sort sounds in various ways, and because there are many thousands of sounds to explore, these controls help you delve deeper…

MIDI Learn and Automation

Concepts » MIDI Learn and Automation

Understanding Parameter Control There are three ways to control parameters in Omnisphere: Modulation, MIDI Learn, and Automation. Deciding which type of Parameter Control to use depends on a number of factors including which host you use, which parameters you…

Copying and Pasting FX

The FX Page » FX Presets » Copying and Pasting FX

In addition to reorganizing FX units by dragging, you have the option to copy and paste them to alternate locations. Copying an FX Unit, along with all of its current parameter settings and pasting it into a different slot or rack is another way of changing…

Copying and Pasting Racks

The FX Page » FX Presets » Copying and Pasting Racks

Copying an FX Rack along with all of its current parameter settings and pasting to a different Rack is a quick and useful way of working with FX Racks. It’s not required to save a preset in order to copy it to another Rack. You can simply copy the Rack with its…

Latch and Trigger Modes

Live Mode » Latch and Trigger Modes

Latch Mode and Trigger Mode extend the multi-timbral performance capabilities of Omnisphere, especially when used together with Live Mode or Stack Mode. They enable real-time creation of complex, multi-Part performances with full synchronization between Parts,…

Parameter and Browser Scrolling

Concepts » Interface Conventions » Parameter and Browser Scrolling

Omnisphere lets you adjust parameters by scrolling with your mouse, trackball, trackpad, or Windows MultiTouch when the cursor hovers over any scroll bar, knob, slider, menu, or browser.

Computers, Drives, and Hubs

Performing Live with Omnisphere » Computers, Drives, and Hubs

Using a Dedicated Live Computer While it is not always feasible or affordable to have a separate computer that is dedicated to live performance, it can be the cornerstone of the most reliable live rig. Ideally, a dedicated live computer should remain streamlined and…

Adding and Removing Parts

Stack Mode » Adding and Removing Parts

To add a Part, Right/Control-Click on the desired Row in the STACK MODE Grid, then choose a Part from the menu. All of the Patches loaded into the current Multi will appear in this menu. Any unassigned Parts will display as “Empty.“ To place two or more Parts…

Moving, Crossfading, and Resizing

Stack Mode » Moving, Crossfading, and Resizing

Moving To move a Region, click inside the Region and drag horizontally. NOTE: You can only drag Regions horizontally, and not vertically across Rows. To relocate a Part to another Row, simply add the Part to the desired Row by right-clicking and using the Add…

Latch and Trigger Modes

Stack Mode » Latch and Trigger Modes

The Latch Mode and Trigger Mode features extend the multi-timbral performance capabilities of Omnisphere, especially when used together with LIVE MODE or STACK MODE. They enable real-time creation of complex, multi-Part performances with full synchronization…

Architecture and Signal Flow

The FX Page » Architecture and Signal Flow

In Omnisphere there are two main types of FX racks: those that work within a single Part and are saved with a Patch (Part FX Racks), and those that are shared by multiple Parts and saved with a Multi (Multi FX Racks). PART FX RACKS Using effects units, ranging from…

Mixer and Jumbo Views

Live Mode » Mixer and Jumbo Views

When Mixer View is selected, this area displays the basic mixer controls for each of the eight Parts. In addition to Level, Mute, and Solo, there is a Folder icon to access the Patch Browser, Latch and Trigger selectors, the Settings Zoom icon, and the Stop All…

Saving and Managing Sounds

The Browsers » Saving and Managing Sounds

Omnisphere offers a flexible way to manage custom Patches and Multis. You can create custom collections of sounds organized by project or style and they can be searched, selected, filtered, or shared using the Full Browsers. The process of saving and managing…

Reset Defaults and Preferences

Concepts » The Header » Utility Menu » Reset Defaults and Preferences

The Utility Menu lets you perform a “factory reset” by selecting “Reset Defaults and Preferences.” After selecting this option, a message will be displayed, warning you that this action will overwrite your default Multi and User Preferences. A…

Latch and Trigger Modes

The Main Page » Latch and Trigger Modes

Latch and Trigger Modes Latch and Trigger Modes extend the performance capabilities of Omnisphere, especially when used together with LIVE MODE and/or STACK MODE. Used together, they enable a wide range of creative performance, live remixing, and composition…

Part Number and MIDI Channel

The Mixer » Part Number and MIDI Channel

Part Number Each of Omnisphere’s eight Parts is numbered along the far left of the MIXER page. MIDI Channel By default, Parts 1–8 are assigned sequentially to MIDI Channels 1 ~ 8. However, each Part in a MULTI can be set to respond to any one of 16 MIDI…

Selecting, Linking, and Soloing Layers

The Layer Pages » Layer Page Basics » Selecting, Linking, and Soloing Layers

Selecting Layers To select a Layer and bring its controls into focus, (even if more than one Layer is ON—indicated by LEDs under the Layer tabs or highlighted Layer Selection buttons in the Footer—click on the desired Layer tab or Layer Selection button. …

Clear, Save, Copy, and Paste

Concepts » The Header » Utility Menu » Clear, Save, Copy, and Paste

The Utility Menu provides options to Initialize or Clear Multis, Patches and Layers, and to Save Multis and Patches. There are also functions that allow Part and Layer settings to be copied and pasted. Initialize vs. Clear (Multi, Patch, and Layer) When you…

Remote Loading of Patches and Multis

Performing Live with Omnisphere » Remote Loading of Patches and Multis

Loading sounds remotely can be very handy in live situations and with Omnisphere, you can do this using any MIDI controller. Since Omnisphere’s Browser is MIDI-Learnable, you can have as many Patches or Multis available to you at a gig as you need. NOTE:…

Using Live Mode and Stack Mode

Performing Live with Omnisphere » Using Live Mode and Stack Mode

Live Mode LIVE MODE is a powerful feature designed for a multi-Part performance in a live environment. It allows you to instantly and seamlessly switch and layer pre-loaded Parts on-the-fly. Live Mode also gives you large graphics for enhanced interface visibility in…

The Orb

The Orb

The innovative Orb feature is both a remarkable sound manipulation tool and an intuitive performance interface—it can be thought of as a “circular controller.” With a single click of the mouse, it is possible to instantly manipulate a sound in a…

Orb as Mod Source

The Orb » Orb as Mod Source

The Orb can be used as a modulation source. Using the DICE provides interesting and surprising results instantly, however using the Orb as a modulation source gives the user flexibility and full control over the parameters it modulates. The Orb is seamlessly…


The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Oscillator Zoom » Waveshaper » Shaper

The SHAPER section offers controls for introducing Waveshaping to the Oscillator. DEPTH In the SHAPER section, you can control the amount of Waveshaping that is applied to your sound by using the FREQUENCY slider. The farther to the right this is set, the more…

Modulation Targets

The Layer Pages » Modulation » Modulation Targets

A Modulation Target is a parameter that can be controlled by a source. Target is another word for Destination. Omnisphere has an extensive set of nearly 100 different Modulation Targets. They are grouped in six categories: Oscillator Pitch Coarse – The…

Vintage Tremolo

The FX Page » Modulation » Vintage Tremolo

VINTAGE TREMOLO recreates the classic vintage tube amp tremolo effect. Tremolo was popularized in the 1960s, first with Surf Guitar, and later with keyboards, such as the Wurlitzer and Rhodes electric pianos. The blackface Fender amps from that time were considered…

Solina Ensemble

The FX Page » Modulation » Solina Ensemble

SOLINA ENSEMBLE is modeled after the Ensemble effect in the ARP Solina String Ensemble™. This keyboard was used on records in practically every genre in the 1970s and its signature sound came from the internal chorus effect. That iconic, swirling chorus is…


The FX Page » Modulation » PRO-Phaser

The PRO Phaser FX unit is one of the most versatile and rich phaser designs. It is also capable of producing a wide array of unique sounds beyond traditional phaser effects, including tuned resonances, strange pitch-bending effects and envelope-followed phasing,…

Frequency Modulation

The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Oscillator Zoom » Frequency Modulation

FM stands for Frequency Modulation. FM has been a feature on synthesizers since the 1960s, but it became mainstream in the 1980s with Yamaha’s DX/TX series of digital synthesizers. It was well-known for producing glassy, metallic, and other harmonically complex…



Omnisphere has been designed to accommodate a wide range of operations, from basic interaction with Factory Patches to comprehensive and complex sound design. The Omnisphere interface provides an intuitive workflow which offers all the depth and flexibility you…


The Layer Pages » Filters » Filter Zoom » Envelope

The Filter ENV control is identical to the ENV control found on the LAYER pages. The Filter Envelope Depth is a dedicated modulation control. It sets the amount that the Filter Envelope controls the cutoff frequency. At minimum setting, the Filter Envelope has no…

Analog Flanger

The FX Page » Modulation » Analog Flanger

ANALOG FLANGER is modeled after the “built-like-a-tank” A/DA Flanger™ pedal. Famous for its road-worthy construction and super-versatile tone, this flanger gives you fantastic musical effects (not to mention cool jet engine sounds!). MINI-SLIDER…

Analog Chorus

The FX Page » Modulation » Analog Chorus

ANALOG CHORUS is modeled after the Boss CE-2™, the Boss CE-5 Chorus Ensemble™ and the TC Electronic Chorus™. All three of these chorus pedals are still sought-after for the unique tones they bring to a track. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry…

Analog Vibrato

The FX Page » Modulation » Analog Vibrato

ANALOG VIBRATO is modeled after the vibrato of the once-ubiquitous Roland JC-120™ keyboard amp and of the Shin-ei Uni-Vibe™ pedal, which imitated a Leslie (think David Gilmour). RATE This control sets the cycle speed of the LFO. Minimum settings will…


The Layer Pages » LFOs » Delay

The DELAY slider determines the how quickly the LFO’s depth will reach its maximum strength after a note has been triggered. This allows the modulation to be introduced gradually, e.g. to achieve delayed vibrato. When the DELAY slider is set to maximum, it will…

Grain Controls

The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Oscillator Zoom » Granular » Grain Controls

GRAIN DEPTH Moving this slider to the right increases the number of grains which are created from the Soundsource. The higher the number of grains, the higher the demand on the CPU. Excellent results can usually be obtained without using a lot of GRAIN DEPTH, so…

Ring Modulation

The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Oscillator Zoom » Ring Modulation

RING is short for Ring Modulation, which is similar in concept to FM (and the parameters are exactly the same as those in the FM sub-page). In Ring Modulation the frequencies of both oscillators are multiplied, which changes their overall…


The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Controls

The ADSR Envelope slider interface operates the same way for all the different envelope types in Omnisphere. The screenshot above is from the Envelopes Zoom page, but illustrates what a standard ADSR Envelope looks like. The first to second point (or Stage)…

Ultra Chorus

The FX Page » Modulation » Ultra Chorus

Chorus is a pitch and delay effect that adds a rich, shimmering quality to a sound by detuning and delaying the incoming signal and combining it with the unaffected signal. The Ultra Chorus has a dedicated LFO which acts as a ‘LUSH’ control, giving this…


The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Oscillator Zoom » Waveshaper

Omnisphere’s Waveshaper takes the Oscillator’s waveform and passes it through mathematically generated curves that add various types of distortion, changing the waveform’s harmonic content. Instead of being a standalone effect, Omnisphere’s Waveshaper is…

Zoom Icon Buttons

Concepts » Interface Conventions » Zoom Icon Buttons

One of the features of Omnisphere’s interface design is that it only reveals its depth and complexity on an as-needed basis. The Zoom Icon Buttons provide access to Zoom Views, where you can view expanded information or interact with Omnisphere’s more…


The Layer Pages » LFOs » Polyphonic

LFO 8 can be monophonic or polyphonic. When you select LFO 8, you will see a small button, labeled “P” in between the RATE and DEPTH knobs. Engaging it makes LFO 8 polyphonic, meaning each note will trigger it’s own LFO, instead of all notes…


The Layer Pages » Filters

The Filter is a key component of subtractive synthesis. It’s designed to remove frequencies from a sound, thus changing and enhancing sonic character. Filters typically consist of a cutoff control, which sets which frequencies are reduced or removed, and a…

Toxic Smasher

The FX Page » Distortion » Toxic Smasher

*Toxic Smasher *combines Omnisphere’s Waveshaper with different filter types. It provides the same effect as the existing Waveshaper in Omnisphere, but with the flexibility of using it anywhere in an FX chain. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry…

Formant Filter

The FX Page » Filters » Formant Filter

The FORMANT FILTER adds characteristics of the human voice to a sound. It accomplishes this by chaining a narrow set of bandpass filters, set at specific frequencies, which reflect the formants of the human voice. PAGE ONE CONTROLS HEADSIZE Simulates the…

Power Filter

The FX Page » Filters » Power Filter

The POWER FILTER is a brand new filter developed in cooperation with GMedia, which is based on their famous impOSCar filter design. This rich-sounding filter requires a fair amount of CPU power and should be used sparingly on slower computer systems. It’s the…

Mod Matrix Zoom

The Layer Pages » Modulation » Mod Matrix Zoom

Selecting the Zoom icon on the Modulation header will open the MOD MATRIX ZOOM view. This view offers precise control over all of the modulation routings in the Patch. The advantage of this zoom view is that the many routings can be displayed for editing…

Crying Wah

The FX Page » Filters » Crying Wah

The CRYING WAH is modeled after the classic Vox™ Cry Baby wah-wah pedal, used by Clapton and Hendrix, and pretty much everyone else! It includes a nice compressor at the end of the path to compress the filtered signal. PEDAL Controls the frequency (wah) of…

Analog Phaser

The FX Page » Modulation » Analog Phaser

ANALOG PHASER features models of the incredible Oberheim Phasor™, the classic MXR Phase 90™, and a boutique, custom-designed chorus/phase shifter. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed (wet) signal. The percentage indicates the…


The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Oscillator Zoom » Waveshaper » Crusher

The CRUSHER section offers parameters for controlling the bit depth of the oscillator. BIT CRUSH Bit-crushing introduces distortion by reducing the resolution of digital audio. This lowers the dynamic range and increases the noise floor. Use this for…


The FX Page » Utility » Imager

The Imager is a “Swiss Army Knife” utility device that can be used as a panner, stereo/mono image control, L/R channel inverter, phase corrector, auto-panner, and gain control. PAN Controls the placement and balance of the audio within the stereo…

Loops, Sample Rates, etc.

User Audio » Loops, Sample Rates, etc.

Format, Sample Rate, and Bit Depth Omnisphere can import standard, uncompressed (PCM) stereo or mono .wav, and aif files of any sample rate with bit depths of 8, 16, 24, and 32. Certain files, such as those with advanced compression, cannot be imported. If you…


The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Oscillator Zoom » Unison

In vintage analog polyphonic synthesizers, Unison was used to trigger all of the voices cards of the synthesizer at the same time for a rich, detuned, monophonic sound. Omnisphere takes Unison to the next level by offering polyphonic Unison, with numerous…


The FX Page » Modulation » Flanger

The simple-to-use Flanger unit provides many types of traditional flanging and tuned-resonance effects. The invert switch allows for a wider range of sound characteristics than most flangers offer. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed…

Modulation Sources

The Layer Pages » Modulation » Modulation Sources

The SOURCE menu brings up a list of the 48 available Modulation Sources available in Omnisphere: LFO1 – Low Frequency Oscillator 1 LFO2 – Low Frequency Oscillator 2 LFO3 – Low Frequency Oscillator 3 LFO4 – Low Frequency Oscillator…


The FX Page » Modulation » EZ-Phaser

Contrary to what you might expect, EZ Phaser is not a simplified version of the PRO Phaser, but an entirely different phaser design with it’s own unique sonic character. EZ Phaser is simple to use and understand and best-suited to recreating classic phaser…


Getting Started » QuickStart

This QuickStart provides an overview of the essential things you’ill need to know in order to get started using Omnisphere. Omnisphere is a powerful software instrument and can be run as a standalone application or hosted in any software DAW. Omnisphere…

Editing Controls

The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Envelope Zoom » Editing Controls

These mode switches offer several methods for precise editing of the Envelopes. SNAP When SNAP is selected, any horizontal repositioning of a point is limited to 16th notes. The Envelope Display has vertical reference lines, which are helpful when using SNAP…


The Layer Pages » Filters » Filter Zoom » Offsets

CUTOFF OFFSET Filter Cutoff settings affect both FILTER 1 and FILTER 2. The CUTOFF OFFSET counterbalances the Cutoff for FILTER 1 and FILTER 2 independently. These are not separate filters controls—they simply increase or decrease the Cutoff frequency for each…


The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Oscillator Zoom » Granular » Modes

There are two exclusive Granular modes: SPEED and POSITION. While other granular parameters work in the same manner regardless of the mode, the slider above the SPEED and POSITION mode selectors controls only the selected mode. SPEED SPEED automatically…

Retro Flanger

The FX Page » Modulation » Retro Flanger

Flanging is a sweeping, comb-filter type effect. The Retro Flanger has special features that give the sound a more lo-fi, vintage character. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed (Wet) signal. The percentage indicated is the amount of…

Envelope Filter

The FX Page » Filters » Envelope Filter

The ENVELOPE FILTER uses Omnisphere’s filters with an envelope follower, adding sonic animation to the envelope of a sound. Includes a cool compressor on Page 2 to squash those filtered sounds! Great for use with Clavinets and electric guitars, and…


The FX Page » Filters » Wah-Wah

The WAH-WAH FX unit was modeled after classic wah-wah pedals of the 1970s. It’s a fun and versatile effect that doesn’t sound like any of the other Omnisphere Filters. This FX unit works both as a sweeping wah-wah and also as an “auto-wah” envelope…

Retro Phaser

The FX Page » Modulation » Retro Phaser

Retro Phaser has a vintage, lo-fi vibe. On the surface it looks similar to the EZ Phaser, but has more features, and a dedicated page for tone-shaping. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed (Wet) signal. The percentage indicated is…

Chorus Echo

The FX Page » Delays » Chorus Echo

The Chorus Echo is inspired by the classic Roland Chorus Echo units from the 1970s. This unit combines both analog-style delay and chorusing, but includes new features like stereo width control and a dedicated ‘Dirt’ control for a more gritty…


The Layer Pages » Envelopes

One of the innovative features of Omnisphere’s Envelopes is that each of them has two interfaces. There have always been two competing design philosophies: ADSR envelopes, which are fast and easy to use, and Complex envelopes, which are more powerful and…

Velocity Curve Zoom

The Main Page » Velocity Curve » Velocity Curve Zoom

Clicking the Zoom icon next to the different Velocity Curve presets opens the VELOCITY CURVE ZOOM. This page provides detailed controls to modify the velocity curve of a Patch. The Velocity curve settings are global to the Part—meaning they will be applied to…

Performance Optimization

Concepts » Performance Optimization

The vast majority of Omnisphere Patches will play comfortably within your host, without over-stressing the computer’s CPU or memory. However some Patches employ sophisticated effects or large numbers of streamed samples, and those may require special attention.…

Seismic Pump

The FX Page » Sonic Extensions FX » Seismic Pump

Included with Seismic Shock is a unique new side-chaining effect called Seismic Pump. Requiring no special routing, this innovative effect creates dramatic tonal movement and timbral shifts on anything you put through it — using all kinds of creative shapes.…

Seismic Pump

Sonic Extensions » Sonic Extension Effects » Seismic Pump

Included with Seismic Shock is a unique new side-chaining effect called Seismic Pump. Requiring no special routing, this innovative effect creates dramatic tonal movement and timbral shifts on anything you put through it—using all kinds of creative shapes.…

Patch Browser Categories

The Browsers » Patch Browser Categories

Omnisphere includes thousands of Factory Patches, so having a basic understanding of how Patches are organized is essential to navigating the Patch Browser efficiently. Here are descriptions of the kinds of sounds in each Factory Patch Category: ARP + BPM ARP +…

Special Thanks

Credits » Special Thanks

Special Thanks to: Ignacio Longo, Tolga Gurpinar, Michael Flint, Scott Frankfurt, Les Correa, Bob Wilson, Diego Stocco, Bob Daspit, Neal Olander, Glenn Olander, Gulli Briem, Stéphane Pigeon, John Martin, Chad Martin, Jonathan Merrill, Cesar Moreno, Gabriel Muñoz,…

Software License Agreement

Legal » Software License Agreement

Spectrasonics virtual instruments come with two License Agreements, one for the software itself and another covering usage of the sounds. Below is an example of our standard Software License Agreement. We encourage potential users to see the extensive Licensing FAQs…

STEAM Engine

Concepts » STEAM Engine

The STEAM Engine® is the core technology created by the Spectrasonics in-house development team, and is used as the basis of all Spectrasonics performance instruments, including Omnisphere, Keyscape, and Trilian. Like our core S.A.G.E. technology, used for…


The Browsers » Operation

Searching and filtering is done from the Mini-Browser and the Full Browser Header, using the Directory Menu, the Search Field, and the Browser Filter columns. There are several options available for filtering the results (including Boolean Expressions, and choosing how…

Boolean Filtering

The Browsers » Operation » Boolean Filtering

Boolean Filtering uses the criteria “Or,” “And,” and “Not” in order to include or exclude certain Attributes to narrow your search. In addition to typing an expression into the Search field, you can filter search results using…

The FX Page

The FX Page

Effects are an important part of Omnisphere’s sound palette, and are used to enhance the sonic character of Patches and Multis. They can add space, density, movement, alter the timbre, and shape the sound in many interesting ways. The high-quality, built-in FX…

Omnisphere Standalone

Getting Started » Omnisphere Standalone

There are times when you want to play and record Omnisphere but you don’t need all the tools included with a full-featured DAW. It can be time-consuming to open a DAW and set up a session just to access your favorite sounds / keyboards. You just want to sit down…


The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Envelope Zoom » Display

The contour of the current Envelope can be modified from this display. The point to the extreme left is always the Attack time and on the last two points on the right are the Sustain level and the Release time stages. Time is represented horizontally and Level is…