Related topics are listed below.
The FX Page
The FX Page
Effects are an important part of Omnisphere’s sound palette, and are used to enhance the sonic character of Patches and Multis. They can add space, density, movement, alter the timbre, and shape the sound in many interesting ways. The high-quality, built-in FX…
FX Modulation
The Layer Pages » Modulation » FX Modulation
The fact that Omnisphere can modulate hundreds synthesis parameters is only part of the story. Any of Omnisphere’s modulation sources can be applied to the myriad of FX parameters as well. Just about every single parameter in all of Omnisphere’s 58 effects…
FX Basics
The FX Page » FX Basics
To load an FX Unit into a Rack, click the downward-facing triangle on the desired slot. From the resulting drop-down menu, choose an FX Unit by selecting the FX category and then the FX name from the menu.
FX Presets
The FX Page » FX Presets
The flexible FX Preset system offers rapid access to the full power of Omnisphere’s FX. It’s easy to create, copy, paste, save, and recall unique individual FX units or entire Racks of FX to instantly give any element within Omnisphere a customized…
FX Descriptions
The FX Page » FX Descriptions
There are 58 different professional-quality internal FX Units to choose from in Omnisphere (which can be expanded up to 66 via Sonic Extensions). For more detailed descriptions of the controls and operation, please click on the FX Unit names. DYNAMICS Tube…
Sonic Extensions FX
The FX Page » Sonic Extensions FX
Each Sonic Extension includes two ultra high-quality custom FX units designed and created by Spectrasonics specifically for that Extension. However, Sonic Extension FX are not limited to the Sonic Extension for which they were built. They can be applied to ANY…
Saving FX Presets
The FX Page » FX Presets » Saving FX Presets
Saving an FX Preset allows you to name and recall it for future use. This is a convenient way to build a custom FX library. To Save a Preset Select the drop-down arrow to the left of the unit. A drop-down menu will appear. Select “Save Effects…
Changing an FX Unit
The FX Page » FX Basics » Changing an FX Unit
To select a different FX Unit in the same FX Slot, click the downward-facing triangle and choose from the drop-down menu list.
Bypassing an FX Unit
The FX Page » FX Basics » Bypassing an FX Unit
It can be useful to audition sounds and Patches by bypassing one or more of the FX units. When an FX unit is bypassed it is removed from the audio chain, allowing you to hear how any particular effect (or group of effects) is changing the sound. Bypassing an FX Unit…
Re-ordering FX Units
The FX Page » FX Basics » Re-ordering FX Units
The position of an FX unit in the audio chain will affect how it sounds and reacts. For instance, placing a reverb in the chain BEFORE a compressor will cause the reverb to sound dramatically different than if you place it AFTER. FX units can be easily…
Removing an FX Unit
The FX Page » FX Basics » Removing an FX Unit
To remove an FX unit from the rack, click the downward-facing triangle on the active slot and choose “No Effect” from the top of the list. NOTE: Removing any unneeded or unused FX units saves memory when the Patch is loaded and is recommended before…
Copying and Pasting FX
The FX Page » FX Presets » Copying and Pasting FX
In addition to reorganizing FX units by dragging, you have the option to copy and paste them to alternate locations. Copying an FX Unit, along with all of its current parameter settings and pasting it into a different slot or rack is another way of changing…
FX Presets – Intro
The FX Page » FX Presets » FX Presets – Intro
An FX Preset consists of the complete customized parameter settings of a specific FX Unit, which allowing the “total recall” of that one effect. It’s useful to build a library of FX Presets that you like. You can also experiment by using Presets…
Page Buttons
The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Envelope Zoom » Page Buttons
Above the Envelope Display area are six Page Buttons that select the controls for the current Layer’s AMP and FILTER Envelopes and the four global MOD Envelopes which are shared by all Layers for the Part. NOTE: The AMP and FILTER Envelopes displayed are…
The Main Page
The Main Page
The Main Page can be considered Omnisphere’s “dashboard.” It allows quick changes to the Patch that has been loaded and there are useful performance controls that appear here exclusively. The parameter controls in the MAIN page affect the…
Layer Page Basics
The Layer Pages » Layer Page Basics
Each Part in Omnisphere has four Layers, A, B, C, and D. Omnisphere’s Layer Pages have been designed to provide a useful set of controls over many aspects of the sound. From here you can control Oscillators, Filters, and LFOs, as well as sculpt Envelopes and…
The Orb
The Orb
The innovative Orb feature is both a remarkable sound manipulation tool and an intuitive performance interface—it can be thought of as a “circular controller.” With a single click of the mouse, it is possible to instantly manipulate a sound in a…
Orb as Mod Source
The Orb » Orb as Mod Source
The Orb can be used as a modulation source. Using the DICE provides interesting and surprising results instantly, however using the Orb as a modulation source gives the user flexibility and full control over the parameters it modulates. The Orb is seamlessly…
The FX Page » Modulation
Omnisphere includes twelve modulation processors that span the history of recording, from vintage and modern phasers, flangers, and choruses to vibey vibrato and tasty tremolo. Analog Chorus Ultra…
The FX Page » Amplifiers
Omnisphere includes nine amplifier models for unique sonic coloration. From clean, bell-like tones and fat, classic tube distortion, to sounds you can only get from the cheesiest transistor radio…
The FX Page » Equalizers
Omnisphere includes seven equalizers that range from super-musical Pultec-style units, to graphic sculpting and parametric EQs with surgical precision. Studio EQ Vintage EQ2 Vintage EQ3 Graphic EQ7 Graphic EQ12 Parametric…
The FX Page » Dynamics
Omnisphere includes seven dynamics processors, modeled on the finest studio hardware from the past 6 decades. These units provide precise dynamic control, as well as a variety of sonic colors. Tube Limiter Tape Slammer Modern…
The FX Page » Filters
Omnisphere includes six ultra-musical, powerful, and dynamic filters for sonic coloring and customization—even in real-time. Sculpt individual layers or overall sounds, create dynamic envelopes with vocal formants and tube radios, or…
The FX Page » Delays
Omnisphere includes six delay units that range from the powerful Chorus Echo and tempo-driven multi-tap delays, to the modeled, tape-based Retroplex, and the awesome retro-sounding Radio Delay. Synchable, time-based delays are not only useful for creating…
The FX Page » Distortion
Omnisphere includes five distortion processors—from a variety of stomp boxes to rack modules—giving you tones that barely break up to the most clipped and gnarly noises imaginable. Stompbox Modeler Flame Metalzone Toxic…
The FX Page » Reverbs
Omnisphere includes three studio-quality reverb units—the highly detailed PRO Verb, the quick and easy-to-use EZ Verb, and the ultra-reaslitic, classic Spring Verb. Pro Verb EZ Verb Spring Verb
Saving Racks
The FX Page » FX Presets » Saving Racks
Saving a full Rack Preset allows you to name and recall it for future use. This is a convenient way to build a custom library of preset FX chains. To Save an FX Rack Select the PRESETS menu arrow above the FX rack. A drop-down menu will appear like the one…
Rack Presets
The FX Page » FX Presets » Rack Presets
Select the PRESETS menu in the upper left of the FX Rack to access Rack Presets. You can save any combination of up to four FX Units and their respective settings into a single Rack Preset. This feature gives you instant “total recall” of an entire FX Rack…
The FX Page » Creative
These two powerful and unique processors provide a ton of new possibilities for sound design—and they’re super fun to use! Quad Resonator Innerspace
Graphic EQ7
The FX Page » Equalizers » Graphic EQ7
The Graphic 7-Band EQ is useful for tailoring a full spectrum audio source with broad control of multiple bands. With the Q control, it’s more versatile than an average graphic EQ—it’s capable of achieving comb filter FX and even basic speaker…
Graphic EQ12
The FX Page » Equalizers » Graphic EQ12
The Graphic 12-Band EQ is useful for tailoring a full spectrum audio source with fine controls of multiple bands for precision control. With the Q control, it’s more versatile than an average graphic EQ — it’s capable of comb filter FX and even basic…
Copying and Pasting Racks
The FX Page » FX Presets » Copying and Pasting Racks
Copying an FX Rack along with all of its current parameter settings and pasting to a different Rack is a quick and useful way of working with FX Racks. It’s not required to save a preset in order to copy it to another Rack. You can simply copy the Rack with its…
Aux Sends
The Mixer » Aux Sends
Each of the four Aux Sends has its own FX Rack (accessed by selecting the FX Button at the top of the MIXER). The AUX 1~AUX 4 knobs let you control the amount of FX applied to the Part. For more information about how Omnisphere’s FX system works, refer to the…
Valve Radio
The FX Page » Filters » Valve Radio
The VALVE RADIO FX unit is a unique device, which functions equally well as both a dual filter and a distortion device. The combination of these two effects can product many types of vintage radio and telephone speaker simulation effects. This unit also includes…
Loading Racks
The FX Page » FX Presets » Loading Racks
Loading FX Rack Presets from the menu is an easy way to use your favorite FX chains at any time and allows you to quickly experiment with combinations of settings in different musical contexts. To load an FX Rack Preset Select the PRESETS menu arrow above the FX…
Spring Verb
The FX Page » Reverbs » Spring Verb
The Spring Verb faithfully recreates the “less-than-pristine” vibe of the ancient spring reverbs of 1960s era guitar amplifiers. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed (Wet) signal. The percentage indicated is the amount of…
The FX Page » Filters » Wah-Wah
The WAH-WAH FX unit was modeled after classic wah-wah pedals of the 1970s. It’s a fun and versatile effect that doesn’t sound like any of the other Omnisphere Filters. This FX unit works both as a sweeping wah-wah and also as an “auto-wah” envelope…
The FX Page » Creative » Innerspace
Designed to apply acoustic resonances and and the sonic character of unique spaces to any sound in Omnisphere, INNERSPACE super-imposes the characteristics of one sound onto another. Sounds range from pills being dropped in a glass, scraped piano strings,…
Retro Flanger
The FX Page » Modulation » Retro Flanger
Flanging is a sweeping, comb-filter type effect. The Retro Flanger has special features that give the sound a more lo-fi, vintage character. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed (Wet) signal. The percentage indicated is the amount of…
Retro Phaser
The FX Page » Modulation » Retro Phaser
Retro Phaser has a vintage, lo-fi vibe. On the surface it looks similar to the EZ Phaser, but has more features, and a dedicated page for tone-shaping. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed (Wet) signal. The percentage indicated is…
Indicator Switches
Concepts » Interface Conventions » Indicator Switches
The Indicator Switch LEDs found below the Page buttons can be both status indicators and toggles. The blue LEDs below ORB, A, B, C, D, and ARP indicate whether the feature is enabled or not, and double as a toggle to enable/disable them. The LED below MAIN…
The FX Page » Amplifiers » Smoke
The SMOKE Amp Simulator has a full set of amplifier controls, speaker combinations, and modeled versions of several classic guitar amplifiers. PAGE ONE CONTROLS AMP Enables or disables the amplifier model. If the switch is OFF, then none of the amplifier…
Ultra Chorus
The FX Page » Modulation » Ultra Chorus
Chorus is a pitch and delay effect that adds a rich, shimmering quality to a sound by detuning and delaying the incoming signal and combining it with the unaffected signal. The Ultra Chorus has a dedicated LFO which acts as a ‘LUSH’ control, giving this…
The FX Page » Delays » Retroplex
The Retroplex delay unit is modeled after the old tape echo units of the ’60s and ’70s like the Echoplex™, with some modern enhancements. It’s a lot of fun and unpredictable! MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed…
BPM Delay
The FX Page » Delays » BPM Delay
The BPM Delay offers a single “true-stereo” delay unit that is always in-sync with the host’s tempo. The feedback and drive controls can produce some cool sounds with the built-in resonant filtering. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and…
Formant Filter
The FX Page » Filters » Formant Filter
The FORMANT FILTER adds characteristics of the human voice to a sound. It accomplishes this by chaining a narrow set of bandpass filters, set at specific frequencies, which reflect the formants of the human voice. PAGE ONE CONTROLS HEADSIZE Simulates the…
The FX Page » Utility
The unit in this section provides useful tools for control over the stereo image and phase. Imager
The FX Page » Modulation » PRO-Phaser
The PRO Phaser FX unit is one of the most versatile and rich phaser designs. It is also capable of producing a wide array of unique sounds beyond traditional phaser effects, including tuned resonances, strange pitch-bending effects and envelope-followed phasing,…
Chorus Echo
The FX Page » Delays » Chorus Echo
The Chorus Echo is inspired by the classic Roland Chorus Echo units from the 1970s. This unit combines both analog-style delay and chorusing, but includes new features like stereo width control and a dedicated ‘Dirt’ control for a more gritty…
The FX Page » Reverbs » PRO-Verb
PRO Verb is the premier, studio-quality reverb unit in the Omnisphere FX arsenal. It’s very versatile and can achieve not only great Room, Plate, and Hall simulations, but it’s also capable of producing unusual metallic resonances and special effects. Be…
BPM Delay X2
The FX Page » Delays » BPM Delay X2
The BPM Delay X2 offers dual monoaural delays that are always synchronized to the host’s tempo. The feedback and drive controls can produce some cool sounds with the built-in resonant filtering. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the…
Radio Delay
The FX Page » Delays » Radio Delay
Radio Delay is essentially a hybrid of a dual-mono BPM-style delay, but with the delayed signals running through the Valve Radio distortion filter. This produces cool, dual-filtered echo effects that sound like they are coming from distorted old speakers or…
Quad Resonator
The FX Page » Creative » Quad Resonator
QUAD RESONATOR is based on four parallel comb filters that can add tuned resonances to any input signal. Comb filters create a “metallic” ringing effect and are created by feeding a sound back into itself and mixing the two signals. The positional…
Navigation Buttons
Concepts » The Header » Navigation Buttons
The Navigation Buttons in the header are used to select and view any of the eight Parts, the Multi Section, or the System Page. Only one button can be selected at a time. Part Select Buttons (1 ~ 8) Buttons 1–8 are Part Select Buttons. Selecting a Part lets…
Architecture and Signal Flow
The FX Page » Architecture and Signal Flow
In Omnisphere there are two main types of FX racks: those that work within a single Part and are saved with a Patch (Part FX Racks), and those that are shared by multiple Parts and saved with a Multi (Multi FX Racks). PART FX RACKS Using effects units, ranging from…
The FX Page » Amplifiers » Brit-Vox
The *Brit-Vox *is modeled after the Vox AC30™ amplifier. This amp led the British Invasion of the 1960s! Comes with selectable, high-end mic and preamp combinations. Controls for the head and the cabinet which can be used separately or in combination with…
The FX Page » Amplifiers » Bassman
BASSMAN is modeled after the mighty, mighty ’59 Fender Bassman™ amplifier—many guitarists’ favorite amp. It has a full set of amplifier controls, along with a selection of impulse responses from the speaker cabinet using different high-end mic…
The FX Page » Amplifiers » Boutique
BOUTIQUE is modeled after the 100-watt Dumble Overdrive Special™ amplifier. It has a full set of amplifier controls and a selection of impulse responses from the speaker cabinet using different high-end mic and preamp combinations. PAGE ONE CONTROLS GAIN…
Power Filter
The FX Page » Filters » Power Filter
The POWER FILTER is a brand new filter developed in cooperation with GMedia, which is based on their famous impOSCar filter design. This rich-sounding filter requires a fair amount of CPU power and should be used sparingly on slower computer systems. It’s the…
Gate Expander
The FX Page » Dynamics » Gate Expander
The GATE EXPANDER is a traditional noise gate-type effect. It also works well as a dynamic expander—the inverse of a compressor. THRESHOLD Controls the audio level at which the Gate starts to open. Range: 0 ~ 35 dB ATTACK Adjusts the speed at which the…
Link Omnisphere GUI
Hardware Synth Integration » Link Omnisphere GUI
When a Hardware Profile is loaded, Omnisphere follows your moves on the hardware synth by automatically switching to the relevant page. If you adjust the envelope on the hardware synth, Omnisphere will display that envelope’s zoom page. If you adjust an…
Envelope Filter
The FX Page » Filters » Envelope Filter
The ENVELOPE FILTER uses Omnisphere’s filters with an envelope follower, adding sonic animation to the envelope of a sound. Includes a cool compressor on Page 2 to squash those filtered sounds! Great for use with Clavinets and electric guitars, and…
Output Assignment
The Mixer » Output Assignment
By default, Parts 1 – 8 are assigned to OUT A. However, each Part in a MULTI can be routed to any one of the 9 output channels. Select the desired channel from the Output Channel drop-down menu. Range OUT A – OUT I. *Please refer to the FX Architecture…
Classic Twin
The FX Page » Amplifiers » Classic Twin
CLASSIC TWIN is modeled after the classic (and we mean CLASSIC!) 1965 Blackface Fender Twin™ amplifier. The unmistakable sound of this 85 watt / 2-12 combo has been heard on virtually every record in the past 50 years. Comes with selectable, high-end mic…
The FX Page » Amplifiers » Hiwattage
HIWATTAGE is modeled after a custom 100-watt 1974 Hiwatt™ amplifier is an all-time classic British tone-monster! Comes with selectable, high-end mic and preamp combinations. The controls for the head and the cabinet can be used separately or in combination…
Rock Stack
The FX Page » Amplifiers » Rock Stack
ROCK STACK is modeled after the seminal and iconic ’64 Marshall JTM45™ amplifier. Originally based on the Fender Bassman™, it used 12AX7 tubes for more distortion and had an aluminum chassis, to reduce hum. It would be easier to list who has NOT used…
Toxic Smasher
The FX Page » Distortion » Toxic Smasher
*Toxic Smasher *combines Omnisphere’s Waveshaper with different filter types. It provides the same effect as the existing Waveshaper in Omnisphere, but with the flexibility of using it anywhere in an FX chain. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry…
AAX Avid Audio Extension. AAX is Avid’s proprietary, cross-platform plug-in format for Pro Tools. Apple Silicon Apple’s in-house CPU chips used in M-series processors. All current Spectrasonics instruments support Apple Silicon. AU Abbreviation for Audio Unit. AU…
Parametric EQ2
The FX Page » Equalizers » Parametric EQ2
The Parametric 2-Band EQ has the benefit of precision frequency control, with two fully sweepable, overlapping bands. This type of EQ is best suited for “surgical” equalization, particularly in pinpoint cutting or reducing of an undesirable frequency in the…
Sonic Extension Effects
Sonic Extensions » Sonic Extension Effects
Each Sonic Extension includes two ultra high-quality custom FX units designed and created by Spectrasonics specifically for that Extension. However, Sonic Extension FX are not limited to the Sonic Extension for which they were built. They can be applied to ANY…
Using Satellite Instruments
Concepts » Satellite Integration » Using Satellite Instruments
Keyscape’s keyboards and Trilian’s basses come equipped with controls that permit you to modify them in many creative ways . For those who want to delve even deeper, users can open any of the sounds from the Keyscape and Trilian libraries inside our flagship…
Vintage EQ3
The FX Page » Equalizers » Vintage EQ3
The Vintage 3-Band EQ is modeled after the great fixed-frequency design of the vintage Pultec™ EQP series tube equalizers, which are renowned for their extremely musical and fat tones that can provide a lot of gain without getting harsh. [LOW] FREQ Drop-down…
Parametric EQ3
The FX Page » Equalizers » Parametric EQ3
The Parametric 3-Band EQ has the benefit of precision frequency control, with three fully sweepable, overlapping bands. This type of EQ is best suited for “surgical” equalization, particularly in pinpoint cutting or reducing of an undesirable frequency in the…
Foxxy Fuzz
The FX Page » Distortion » Foxxy Fuzz
FOXXY FUZZ is modeled after the Foxx Tone Machine™ fuzz pedal, available from 1965-1975. It is known for its long sustain. SUSTAIN This knob controls the distortion and the famous sustain level. Range: 0.00 ~ 10.00 MELLO-BRITE This knob controls the…
Tape Slammer
The FX Page » Dynamics » Tape Slammer
The TAPE SLAMMER is designed to simulate the effects of various types of analog tape compression, saturation, and age. This versatile unit is the perfect tool when you need a little more edge, grit, or warmth. It’s ideal for adding a retro flavor and even…
Sound Lock
The Browsers » Sound Lock
Sound Lock lets you lock specific parameters of a Patch and apply them to other Patches as you browse. You can use the FX section of a Patch, the Arpeggiator pattern of another one and the Modulation Matrix of a third one. This mix-and-match approach makes…
System » Miscellaneous
This area provides global options for the instrument’s Startup Page, Round Robin settings, and preferences for how the Layers behave in the interface. Startup Page Preference Omnisphere’s default startup page is the Main Page. This menu allows you to select…
The FX Page » Distortion » Metalzone
METALZONE is modeled after the Boss MT-2 Metal Zone™ distortion pedal. Huge low-end and mid-range, with a super-smooth high-end, this distortion unit’s overdrive ranges from warm to insane. Excellent, musical tone controls for shaping the perfect sound.…
Solina Ensemble
The FX Page » Modulation » Solina Ensemble
SOLINA ENSEMBLE is modeled after the Ensemble effect in the ARP Solina String Ensemble™. This keyboard was used on records in practically every genre in the 1970s and its signature sound came from the internal chorus effect. That iconic, swirling chorus is…
Twisted Root
The FX Page » Sonic Extensions FX » Twisted Root
Twisted Root (included with Twisted Trees) is a special multi-band subsonic enhancer effect that adds massive girth, size, and sheen to any sound you run through it. Each of the four bands has independent controls for the sustain and the level of each frequency.…
Twisted Root
Sonic Extensions » Sonic Extension Effects » Twisted Root
Twisted Root (included with Twisted Trees) is a special multi-band subsonic enhancer effect that adds massive girth, size, and sheen to any sound you run through it. Each of the four bands has independent controls for the sustain and the level of each frequency.…
Vintage EQ2
The FX Page » Equalizers » Vintage EQ2
The Vintage 2-Band EQ us modeled after the great fixed-frequency design of the vintage Pultec™ EQP2-A model tube equalizer. The unique characteristic of this classic design is that on each EQ band, the same frequency can be broadly cut and boosted simultaneously,…
The FX Page » Modulation » Flanger
The simple-to-use Flanger unit provides many types of traditional flanging and tuned-resonance effects. The invert switch allows for a wider range of sound characteristics than most flangers offer. MINI-SLIDER Controls the mix of the dry signal and the processed…
Analog Vibrato
The FX Page » Modulation » Analog Vibrato
ANALOG VIBRATO is modeled after the vibrato of the once-ubiquitous Roland JC-120™ keyboard amp and of the Shin-ei Uni-Vibe™ pedal, which imitated a Leslie (think David Gilmour). RATE This control sets the cycle speed of the LFO. Minimum settings will…
Precision Compressor
The FX Page » Dynamics » Precision Compressor
The PRECISION COMPRESSOR is super-clean, versatile, and modern-sounding. It’s an ideal hi-fi studio compressor and works well for mastering. INPUT Sets the input level to the compressor. Range: -12.0 ~ +12.0 RATIO The range of dynamic compression once…
Stomp Comp
The FX Page » Dynamics » Stomp Comp
The STOMP COMP is modeled after the vintage Ross Compressor guitar pedal. This pedal is extremely hard to find and quite expensive, hence it’s one of the most-cloned compressor pedals on the market. It is known for its warm, full tone, but also sought-after…
Optimizing Performance
Performing Live with Omnisphere » Optimizing Performance
The vast majority of Omnisphere Patches will play comfortably in your host, without over-stressing the computer’s CPU or memory. However, certain Patches employ more sophisticated effects or large numbers of streamed samples, and those may require special…
Studio EQ
The FX Page » Equalizers » Studio EQ
The STUDIO EQ is a clean, versatile, 2-band parametric EQ that provides multiple modes for each band. In addition to Peaking mode, where you choose which frequencies to scoop or boost, the controls include High and Low shelving and highpass / lowpass filtering.…
The FX Page » Modulation » EZ-Phaser
Contrary to what you might expect, EZ Phaser is not a simplified version of the PRO Phaser, but an entirely different phaser design with it’s own unique sonic character. EZ Phaser is simple to use and understand and best-suited to recreating classic phaser…
Sonic Extensions
Sonic Extensions
Sonic Extensions is a completely new experience for Omnisphere — an innovative brand of products built by Spectrasonics. Available as an optional purchase, each Sonic Extension focuses on a specific aesthetic with a unique interface, a vast array of stunning,…
Tube Limiter
The FX Page » Dynamics » Tube Limiter
The Tube Limiter in Omnisphere is both a limiter and compressor and is an ideal tool for pumping things up in a musical way. It was modeled on the warm sound of the famous Fairchild™ 670 tube limiters of the 1960s with a fixed internal compression ratio and a…
What is a Hardware Profile?
Hardware Synth Integration » What is a Hardware Profile?
Omnisphere Hardware Profiles convert the supported hardware synths into hands-on controllers for Omnisphere. When a Hardware Profile is loaded, Omnisphere is instantly linked to that hardware synth. By translating MIDI messages from the hardware, it triggers…
Modern Compressor
The FX Page » Dynamics » Modern Compressor
The MODERN COMPRESSOR has a bright, “solid-state” sound character with a fast, snappy response curve. The Modern Compressor was modeled after the legendary SSL™ compressors found in their renowned consoles that have been used on many hit records. This…
Vintage Compressor
The FX Page » Dynamics » Vintage Compressor
Although the MODERN and VINTAGE Compressors have nearly identical controls, the sound and response characteristics couldn’t be more different. The VINTAGE COMPRESSOR was modeled on the vintage UA LA-2A™ and 1176™ style response curves, but have more…
The FX Page » Distortion » Flame
FLAME is an extremely versatile distortion unit capable of anything from mild tube overdrive to nasty bit-crushing and radical fuzzbox effects. The Driver has many different types of waveshaping types and the unique structure of not only pre/post gain, but pre and…
Under Fire
The FX Page » Sonic Extensions FX » Under Fire
Included with Undercurrent is a new custom-designed tone-shaping effect called Under Fire. This sonically versatile distortion / compression / EQ device utilizes completely different DSP algorithms from the standard Omnisphere FX, giving Undercurrent a special…
Under Fire
Sonic Extensions » Sonic Extension Effects » Under Fire
Included with Undercurrent is a new custom-designed tone-shaping effect called Under Fire. This sonically versatile distortion / compression / EQ device utilizes completely different DSP algorithms from the standard Omnisphere FX, giving Undercurrent a special…
Performance Optimization
Concepts » Performance Optimization
The vast majority of Omnisphere Patches will play comfortably within your host, without over-stressing the computer’s CPU or memory. However some Patches employ sophisticated effects or large numbers of streamed samples, and those may require special attention.…
Crying Wah
The FX Page » Filters » Crying Wah
The CRYING WAH is modeled after the classic Vox™ Cry Baby wah-wah pedal, used by Clapton and Hendrix, and pretty much everyone else! It includes a nice compressor at the end of the path to compress the filtered signal. PEDAL Controls the frequency (wah) of…
San-Z Amp
The FX Page » Amplifiers » San-Z Amp
SAN-Z-AMP is modeled after the trend-setting SansAmp GT-2™ tube amplifier emulation pedal. It has a full set of amplifier controls and a selection of impulse responses simulating selectable, high-end mic and preamp combinations DRIVE Sometimes referred to…