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Related topics are listed below.

Loading Hardware Profiles

Hardware Synth Integration » Loading Hardware Profiles

You can access Omnisphere’s list of Hardware Profiles by clicking on HW button in the header. From the drop-down menu, select the hardware synth you want to use to control Omnisphere. When a profile is selected from the HW Menu, the HW menu button is…

Loading Sounds

The Browsers » Operation » Loading Sounds

Selecting a sound in the Browser also loads it. How quickly it loads depends on the amount of samples the sound has and how they are mapped, and whether Progressive Loading or Lite Version are enabled. Progressive Loading Omnisphere’s Progressive Loading…

Loading Racks

The FX Page » FX Presets » Loading Racks

Loading FX Rack Presets from the menu is an easy way to use your favorite FX chains at any time and allows you to quickly experiment with combinations of settings in different musical contexts. To load an FX Rack Preset Select the PRESETS menu arrow above the FX…

Loading Satellite Sounds

The Browsers » Loading Satellite Sounds

One of the powerful features of Omnisphere is Library Integration. If you also have Keyscape and/or Trilian installed, the libraries for those satellite instruments will appear in the Browser DIRECTORY menu along with your other Omnisphere libraries. The…

Remote Loading of Sounds

The Browsers » Operation » Remote Loading of Sounds

Loading sounds remotely can be very handy in live and studio situations. In addition to using Omni TR, you can achieve this by using any MIDI controller. This section will cover how to do it via MIDI using a variety of messages: Program Changes, Continuous…

Loading Third-Party Libraries

The Browsers » Loading Third-Party Libraries

The most convenient method for sharing and/or adding third-party sounds is through the use of .omnisphere files (see Sharing), which contain all Patches and Soundsources being shared, as well as additional organization and information by the developer. If your…

Hardware Synth Integration

Hardware Synth Integration

Hardware Synth Integration transforms popular hardware synthesizers into hands-on controllers for Omnisphere’s extensive synthesis capabilities. Bridging the gap between software and hardware, this feature allows users to create and modify Omnisphere sounds in…

Hardware Profiles Menu

Concepts » The Header » Hardware Profiles Menu

Clicking on the HW Menu button to the left of the Multi Name Display reveals the Hardware Profiles Menu. From here, you may select or deactivate any of the Hardware Profiles, as well as Save User Tweaks and Restore Factory Defaults, save your changes to the…

Supported Hardware Synths

Hardware Synth Integration » Supported Hardware Synths

These are the models currently supported by Omnisphere’s Hardware Synth Integration. Access Virus A Access Virus B Access Virus C Access Virus Indigo 1 Access Virus Indigo 2 Access Virus T1 Alesis Andromeda A6 Behringer DeepMind Korg microKorg Korg…

Remote Loading of Patches and Multis

Performing Live with Omnisphere » Remote Loading of Patches and Multis

Loading sounds remotely can be very handy in live situations and with Omnisphere, you can do this using any MIDI controller. Since Omnisphere’s Browser is MIDI-Learnable, you can have as many Patches or Multis available to you at a gig as you need. NOTE:…

What is a Hardware Profile?

Hardware Synth Integration » What is a Hardware Profile?

Omnisphere Hardware Profiles convert the supported hardware synths into hands-on controllers for Omnisphere. When a Hardware Profile is loaded, Omnisphere is instantly linked to that hardware synth. By translating MIDI messages from the hardware, it triggers…

Using Hardware Synth Integration Live

Performing Live with Omnisphere » Using Hardware Synth Integration Live

One of the great things about using a hardware synth on a live gig is that you can reach for a knob and tweak the sounds in real time. If your live setup includes one of the hardware synths we support, you can use it to control Omnisphere by using Hardware Synth…

Using Multis

Performing Live with Omnisphere » Using Multis

If your live gig is relatively straightforward and you don’t need to change Patches frequently, loading one Patch at a time remotely is often the simplest way to go. However, if you anticipate needing more sounds or you just want to have options to switch…

Link Omnisphere GUI

Hardware Synth Integration » Link Omnisphere GUI

When a Hardware Profile is loaded, Omnisphere follows your moves on the hardware synth by automatically switching to the relevant page. If you adjust the envelope on the hardware synth, Omnisphere will display that envelope’s zoom page. If you adjust an…

Lite Version

The Browsers » Operation » Lite Version

Some of the sounds included in the Omnisphere Factory Library are quite large, and can place a heavy demand on available memory and take a longer time to load. Lite Version is a feature located in the Full Browsers and provides added flexibility when loading…

Marking Sounds

The Browsers » Operation » Marking Sounds

Sounds can be marked with two purposes: for sharing them and for adding them to Projects. To mark a sound, shift+click on it in the Browser. The sound will be with highlighted with a pale blue bar and a dot. To unmark a sound, shift+click on it again. To…

Performing Live with Omnisphere

Performing Live with Omnisphere

Bringing Omnisphere to the gig lets you bring your favorite studio sounds into the live performance arena. With today’s fast laptops and by using either our standalone application or instantiating Omnisphere as a plug-in inside your DAW of choice, you’ll…

Save User Tweaks

Hardware Synth Integration » Save User Tweaks

When you load a HW profile, Omnisphere is instantly set up to perform a large number of sophisticated actions with the touch of a knob. You might be using your hardware synth to instantiate Omnisphere effects, create modulation routings, control multiple scaled…

Auditioning Sounds

The Browsers » Operation » Auditioning Sounds

When browsing a substantial library, it’s important to have convenient ways of quickly auditioning the sounds. The Browser provides an Audition Button and Lite Version button with multiple thinning settings available in the Lite Version Options Zoom. Options to set…

Browser Settings

The Browsers » Operation » Browser Settings

Select the Settings Button to open the Browser Settings Zoom View. Settings are saved across sessions, and are restored the next time you load Omnisphere. Audition Auto Play When enabled, every time a Multi, Patch, or Soundsource is selected in the Browser,…


Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy » Oscillators

An oscillator can be thought of as the smallest building block of a sound and the best place to start when creating a new Patch from scratch in Omnisphere. The signal path of Omnisphere starts with its oscillators, so oscillator settings will affect all of the…

The Header

Concepts » The Header

The top area of the Omnisphere interface is the Header. The Header is visible from any page in Omnisphere (except when any Full Browser is open) and is the primary navigation area of the interface. The Header contains the Utility Menu, Multi Information, (including…



Audio Unit Apple introduced the Audio Unit (AU) plug-in specification in MacOS. Since this plug-in standard is native to MacOS—and not to any specific host or platform (like TDM or VST)—Apple has encouraged companies to adopt it as a standard for all Mac audio…

Presets Menu

Stack Mode » Presets Menu

All STACK MODE settings (except MIDI Channel, which will always default to “Any”) are saved and recalled with the MULTI, which means you can set up a STACK MODE-enabled MULTI. In addition to saving and loading complete MULTIS, Stack Presets can be…

Omni TR

Concepts » Omni TR

The Omni TR (Touch Remote) iPad app uses the tactile advantages of the iPad as a performance-oriented touch surface—creating a true hands-on experience for musicians. One of the big differences between software and hardware synths is the hands-on aspect-the…

Sound Match

The Browsers » Sound Match

SOUND MATCH is a powerful browsing feature that lets you explore the library differently. It allows you to find similar sounds with one click. After loading a sound, you might want to search for related sounds to see if they might work better in a track. Selecting…

Signal Path

The Main Page » Signal Path

Whether you are using hardware or software, the path through which an audio signal travels defines its characteristics. The SIGNAL PATH menu presents two options: Normal and Shared. Normal In Normal Mode, the signal paths of each of the four Layers are…

Synth Mode / DSP

Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy » Oscillators » Synth Mode / DSP

Synth Mode employs your computer’s processor through the use of DSP (Digital Signal Processing) to synthesize wavetables in real-time. A wavetable is a collection of single-cycle waveforms that can be swept through smoothly (using the Shape slider), creating…


The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Envelope Zoom » Presets

There are two drop-down menus that provide access to Envelope Presets. One is on the Edit Page next to the ENVELOPES label, the other is found in the Envelopes Zoom View beside the ENVELOPES ZOOM label. The Drop-down menus will display a list of various Envelope…


The Browsers » Favorites

The Favorites feature in Omnisphere provides a familiar and convenient way of rating and organizing sounds in the library. You identify Favorites by applying Ratings to Multis, Patches, and Soundsources. You can also sort sounds in the Browser by Ratings, bringing…


Performing Live with Omnisphere » Latency

In order to reduce latency (the time between pressing the key and hearing the sound), it’s best to keep your hardware buffer size as low as possible. This is especially true of Patches with sharp transients (attacks), such as piano or other percussive sounds,…

MIDI Learn Menus

Concepts » MIDI Learn and Automation » MIDI Learn Menus

The MIDI Learn Menu provides MIDI Learn options that affect the entire plug-in. It is accessed via the Utility Menu or by Right/Control-clicking any empty area of the Omnisphere interface. MIDI Learn Template All MIDI Learn and Automation assignments are saved…


The FX Page » Dynamics

Omnisphere includes seven dynamics processors, modeled on the finest studio hardware from the past 6 decades. These units provide precise dynamic control, as well as a variety of sonic colors. Tube Limiter Tape Slammer Modern…

Groove Lock

Arpeggiator » Groove Lock

GROOVE LOCK is one of Omnisphere’s most innovative features. In the past, arpeggiators have always had a fixed timing, so they’ve had limited usefulness in genres outside of electronic music. With GROOVE LOCK you can lock the groove of the ARPEGGIATOR to the…

Latch Mode

Stack Mode » Latch and Trigger Modes » Latch Mode

When Latch Mode is enabled for a Part, repeatedly playing a note will toggle the note ON / OFF. When it is toggled ON, the note will continue to sustain, even if the note is released. Playing the same note again will toggle it OFF. When the STACK MODE page is…

Sounds License Agreement

Legal » Sounds License Agreement

Spectrasonics instruments come with two License Agreements, one for the software itself and another covering usage of the sounds. Below is an example of our standard Sound License Agreement. We encourage potential users to see the Licensing FAQs section which answers…

Sampling/Trademark FAQs

Legal » Sampling/Trademark FAQs

The purpose of this document is to clear up any confusion regarding the sampling of Spectrasonics Virtual Instruments. We get a lot of questions about this topic from other sound designers, so we’d like to make sure our policies are clear and upfront. The…

CC Mode

Stack Mode » Operation Modes » CC Mode

When CC Mode is selected, Part Regions can be switched or cross-faded using MIDI Control Change messages from a MIDI hardware slider, knob, or wheel. Each Region can be mapped to specific values across the MIDI CC’s range. The MIDI CC number that STACK MODE uses is…

Latch Mode

Live Mode » Latch and Trigger Modes » Latch Mode

When Latch Mode is enabled for a Part, repeatedly playing a note will toggle the note ON/OFF. When it is toggled ON, the note will continue to sustain, even if the note is released. Playing the same note again will toggle it OFF. NOTE: Any latched notes will stop…

Host Automation

Concepts » MIDI Learn and Automation » Host Automation

All MIDI-Learnable parameters in Omnisphere can also be automated using the Host Automation feature. Each host handles Host Automation differently, so it’s important to understand how your specific software will interact with Omnisphere. Enabling Host Automation…

Using Live Mode and Stack Mode

Performing Live with Omnisphere » Using Live Mode and Stack Mode

Live Mode LIVE MODE is a powerful feature designed for a multi-Part performance in a live environment. It allows you to instantly and seamlessly switch and layer pre-loaded Parts on-the-fly. Live Mode also gives you large graphics for enhanced interface visibility in…


The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Soundsource Zoom » Thinning

In addition to Special Articulations, Soundsources may also include multiple Round Robin samples and velocity-switched samples. For this reason, a fully loaded Soundsource can use quite a bit of memory. The SAMPLE THINNING interface helps to manage the use of…


Sonic Extensions » Scenes

Scenes are a unique feature found only in Sonic Extensions — they are part of every Custom Control layout. A Scene is a snapshot of the Custom Controls and therefore a unique sound in itself. Every Sonic Extensions Patch has five factory Scenes. Depending on the…



The following answers to common questions about our Licensing and Copy Protection policies apply to licensed Spectrasonics users: What are the basic principles of the standard license agreement? Single-user music production/performance: Allowed Multiple users: Not…


Getting Started » QuickStart

This QuickStart provides an overview of the essential things you’ill need to know in order to get started using Omnisphere. Omnisphere is a powerful software instrument and can be run as a standalone application or hosted in any software DAW. Omnisphere…

Saving and Managing Sounds

The Browsers » Saving and Managing Sounds

Omnisphere offers a flexible way to manage custom Patches and Multis. You can create custom collections of sounds organized by project or style and they can be searched, selected, filtered, or shared using the Full Browsers. The process of saving and managing…


System » Miscellaneous

This area provides global options for the instrument’s Startup Page, Round Robin settings, and preferences for how the Layers behave in the interface. Startup Page Preference Omnisphere’s default startup page is the Main Page. This menu allows you to select…

Live Mode

Live Mode

LIVE MODE is a powerful feature that allows you to switch and layer Patches seamlessly. LIVE MODE was designed for use in a live performance environment, but is also an inspiring way to interact with the sounds of Omnisphere in composition and production…


The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Controls

The ADSR Envelope slider interface operates the same way for all the different envelope types in Omnisphere. The screenshot above is from the Envelopes Zoom page, but illustrates what a standard ADSR Envelope looks like. The first to second point (or Stage)…


The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Synth Mode » Wavetables

Click the down-arrow to the left of the Waveform display to reveal a drop-down menu listing Omnisphere’s DSP wavetables. There are over 500 wavetables in Omnisphere and they are listed in the directories below. Use the SHAPE slider to get an idea of the sonic…


The Main Page » Scale

One of Omnisphere’s versatile features is its ability to utilize different tunings including historical temperaments, microtonal and kalimba scales, as well as user-created temperaments. Omnisphere can import any .TUN scale file. Each Part can have a single…

Special Articulations

The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Soundsource Zoom » Special Articulations

There are two types of additional Soundsources loaded in the background that are automatically triggered depending on how a passage is performed. These consist of Release Noise articulations and Legato Soundsources (samples of actual Legato performances).…

Optimizing Performance

Performing Live with Omnisphere » Optimizing Performance

The vast majority of Omnisphere Patches will play comfortably in your host, without over-stressing the computer’s CPU or memory. However, certain Patches employ more sophisticated effects or large numbers of streamed samples, and those may require special…

FX Descriptions

The FX Page » FX Descriptions

There are 58 different professional-quality internal FX Units to choose from in Omnisphere (which can be expanded up to 66 via Sonic Extensions). For more detailed descriptions of the controls and operation, please click on the FX Unit names. DYNAMICS Tube…

Performance Optimzation

Concepts » Performance Optimzation

The vast majority of Omnisphere Patches will play comfortably within your host, without over-stressing the computer’s CPU or memory. However some Patches employ sophisticated effects or large numbers of streamed samples, and those may require special attention.…