Related topics are listed below.
Orb as Mod Source
The Orb » Orb as Mod Source
The Orb can be used as a modulation source. Using the DICE provides interesting and surprising results instantly, however using the Orb as a modulation source gives the user flexibility and full control over the parameters it modulates. The Orb is seamlessly…
The Orb
The Orb
The innovative Orb feature is both a remarkable sound manipulation tool and an intuitive performance interface—it can be thought of as a “circular controller.” With a single click of the mouse, it is possible to instantly manipulate a sound in a…
The Layer Pages » Modulation » Flex-Mod
Flex-Mod is the quickest way to set up a modulation routing. By right-clicking on the control to be modulated, you’ll get a pop-out menu where you can select “Modulate” and select from the list of available sources. The first group of modulation…
Mod Matrix Zoom
The Layer Pages » Modulation » Mod Matrix Zoom
Selecting the Zoom icon on the Modulation header will open the MOD MATRIX ZOOM view. This view offers precise control over all of the modulation routings in the Patch. The advantage of this zoom view is that the many routings can be displayed for editing…
Save as Default Multi
Concepts » The Header » Utility Menu » Save as Default Multi
Saving a Multi preserves the entire state of the plug-in for future recall. A Multi stores all of the settings from the MIXER page, the Multi FX, the LIVE MODE and STACK MODE pages, all MIDI Learn & Automation assignments, as well as all of the settings (including…
Modulation Sources
The Layer Pages » Modulation » Modulation Sources
The SOURCE menu brings up a list of the 48 available Modulation Sources available in Omnisphere: LFO1 – Low Frequency Oscillator 1 LFO2 – Low Frequency Oscillator 2 LFO3 – Low Frequency Oscillator 3 LFO4 – Low Frequency Oscillator…
Modulation Sections
The Layer Pages » Modulation » Modulation Sections
When a parameter is modulated, the routing is automatically shown in two sections: in the left sidebar of the plug-in (replacing the Mini-Browser) and the Modulation section of the Layer pages. They both have similar controls, with the advantage that the sidebar on…
System » Modulation
The MODULATION assignments section allows you to override and remap the standard MIDI messages used by the Modulation Matrix sources in Omnisphere. Simply select the drop-down menu next to one of the 14 modulation types and a pop-up will appear that says “Move…
MIDI Learn
The Orb » MIDI Learn
The Orb’s movements can be controlled using a MIDI controller. Since the Orb’s movements are plotted on 2 different X/Y-type planes, “Angle” and “Radius,” they must be assigned to different MIDI CCs to work effectively. To…
The Orb » Recording
The Orb’s movements, whether manual or INERTIA-based, can be captured with the Orb’s built-in recorder. These movements can be saved as part of the Patch. This simple feature adds a dynamic quality to a sound that is unique and quite difficult to…
The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Envelope Zoom » Polyphonic
Mod Envelope 4 can be monophonic or polyphonic. When you select the MOD 4 tab in the Envelope Zoom, you will see a small button, labeled “P” to the right of the tab. Engaging it makes Mod Envelope 4 polyphonic, meaning each note will trigger…
The Orb » Automation
The Orb’s movements can be automated in your host sequencer. Since the Orb’s movements are plotted on 2 different X/Y-type planes, “Angle” and “Radius,” they must be enabled independently. To enable the Orb’s host…
Dice and Depth
The Orb » Dice and Depth
DICE Pressing the DICE button will instantly create a brand new group of intelligent sonic modifications and effects to try. There’s no limit to how many serendipitous sonic variations the DICE can create—opening up the vast power of the STEAM engine to…
Inertia and Attractor
The Orb » Inertia and Attractor
Inertia and Attractor are key Orb parameters since they control the movement of the cursor, which directly affects the sonic results. INERTIA Inertia Switch This turns the Inertia ON or OFF. Inertia Amount The Inertia Amount controls the speed and…
Editing Controls
The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Envelope Zoom » Editing Controls
These mode switches offer several methods for precise editing of the Envelopes. SNAP When SNAP is selected, any horizontal repositioning of a point is limited to 16th notes. The Envelope Display has vertical reference lines, which are helpful when using SNAP…
The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Envelope Zoom » Timeline
Each of the MOD ENVELOPES has a Timeline — an LED indicator that tracks the time it takes to play through the Envelope contour. The rate of the Envelope’s contour will make these LEDs trace along as a visual guide. The LED timeline display is also helpful in…
The Orb » Clear
Pressing the CLEAR button will restore the Patch to its original state. The Orb’s cursor will be returned to the center and any movements recorded in the built-in recorder will be cleared. NOTE: The CLEAR button does not affect which parameters are modified…
The Layer Pages » Modulation
Modulation is the method used in synths for adding richness and variety to a sound in real-time by adding motion and complexity. Simply put, modulation is any source affects a target parameter in some way. The most common form of modulation in all synthesizers…
Trigger Modes
The Orb » Trigger Modes
There are two available Trigger Modes that determine whether the recorded movements are synchronized with the host sequencer or with your playing. NOTE: It is important to set the Trigger Mode before recording, as it cannot be modified afterwards. LEGATO …
Modulation Targets
The Layer Pages » Modulation » Modulation Targets
A Modulation Target is a parameter that can be controlled by a source. Target is another word for Destination. Omnisphere has an extensive set of nearly 100 different Modulation Targets. They are grouped in six categories: Oscillator Pitch Coarse – The…
FX Modulation
The Layer Pages » Modulation » FX Modulation
The fact that Omnisphere can modulate hundreds synthesis parameters is only part of the story. Any of Omnisphere’s modulation sources can be applied to the myriad of FX parameters as well. Just about every single parameter in all of Omnisphere’s 58 effects…
Navigation Buttons
Concepts » The Header » Navigation Buttons
The Navigation Buttons in the header are used to select and view any of the eight Parts, the Multi Section, or the System Page. Only one button can be selected at a time. Part Select Buttons (1 ~ 8) Buttons 1–8 are Part Select Buttons. Selecting a Part lets…
The Layer Pages » Modulation » Bias
Bias is a useful Modulation Source which can be applied to any of Omnisphere’s modulatable targets. Bias has a user-defined “Bias Point” (any key on the keyboard), which can be thought of as a fulcrum from which a linear boost or decrease can be applied above…
The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Envelope Zoom » Trigger
The LFO Trigger Mode determines how the Envelope is triggered and cycled. The NOTE, LEGATO, and SONG modes are only available on MOD Envelopes. LOOP This switch toggles Envelope looping. When selected, the Envelope will continually repeat as long as the…
Ring Modulation
The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Oscillator Zoom » Ring Modulation
RING is short for Ring Modulation, which is similar in concept to FM (and the parameters are exactly the same as those in the FM sub-page). In Ring Modulation the frequencies of both oscillators are multiplied, which changes their overall…
Sound Lock
The Browsers » Sound Lock
Sound Lock lets you lock specific parameters of a Patch and apply them to other Patches as you browse. You can use the FX section of a Patch, the Arpeggiator pattern of another one and the Modulation Matrix of a third one. This mix-and-match approach makes…
The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Envelope Zoom » Depth
The DEPTH slider controls the amount of Envelope Modulation that is sent to the Mod Matrix and is a duplicate of the DEPTH control found in the MOD Envelope sections. At minimum settings, little to no modulation will be sent to the Modulation Target. At the maximum…
Seismic Verb
The FX Page » Sonic Extensions FX » Seismic Verb
Included with Seismic Shock, Seismic Verb is definitely NOT your average reverb! It combines unique algorithms with extreme compression techniques for awe-inspiring results. With a crazy range – from punchy overtones to massive detuned tails – it’s also…
Seismic Verb
Sonic Extensions » Sonic Extension Effects » Seismic Verb
Included with Seismic Shock, Seismic Verb is definitely NOT your average reverb! It combines unique algorithms with extreme compression techniques for awe-inspiring results. With a crazy range – from punchy overtones to massive detuned tails – it’s also…
Indicator Switches
Concepts » Interface Conventions » Indicator Switches
The Indicator Switch LEDs found below the Page buttons can be both status indicators and toggles. The blue LEDs below ORB, A, B, C, D, and ARP indicate whether the feature is enabled or not, and double as a toggle to enable/disable them. The LED below MAIN…
The Layer Pages » LFOs » Depth
The LFO DEPTH knob controls the intensity of the LFO’s effect on the Mod Target. The higher the setting, the greater the amount of the LFO signal is sent to the Mod Matrix.
CC Mode
Stack Mode » Operation Modes » CC Mode
When CC Mode is selected, Part Regions can be switched or cross-faded using MIDI Control Change messages from a MIDI hardware slider, knob, or wheel. Each Region can be mapped to specific values across the MIDI CC’s range. The MIDI CC number that STACK MODE uses is…
The Layer Pages » Envelopes
One of the innovative features of Omnisphere’s Envelopes is that each of them has two interfaces. There have always been two competing design philosophies: ADSR envelopes, which are fast and easy to use, and Complex envelopes, which are more powerful and…
Grain Controls
The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Oscillator Zoom » Granular » Grain Controls
GRAIN DEPTH Moving this slider to the right increases the number of grains which are created from the Soundsource. The higher the number of grains, the higher the demand on the CPU. Excellent results can usually be obtained without using a lot of GRAIN DEPTH, so…
Architecture and Signal Flow
The FX Page » Architecture and Signal Flow
In Omnisphere there are two main types of FX racks: those that work within a single Part and are saved with a Patch (Part FX Racks), and those that are shared by multiple Parts and saved with a Multi (Multi FX Racks). PART FX RACKS Using effects units, ranging from…
Sustain and Expression
The Main Page » Sustain and Expression
SUSTAIN MODES There are two Sustain Modes available in the Footer—Standard Sustain (Mode 1) and Alternate Sustain (Mode 2). The Sustain Mode selection switches (numbered 1 and 2) allow you to switch between modes, and are MIDI-Learnable switches. Standard…
What is a Hardware Profile?
Hardware Synth Integration » What is a Hardware Profile?
Omnisphere Hardware Profiles convert the supported hardware synths into hands-on controllers for Omnisphere. When a Hardware Profile is loaded, Omnisphere is instantly linked to that hardware synth. By translating MIDI messages from the hardware, it triggers…
The Layer Pages » LFOs » Phase
The small LFO Phase slider determines the point at which the LFO waveform will begin its cycle. If the slider is set to minimum, the LFO will begin its cycle at the start of the waveform. As the PHASE is increased, the point in the waveform that the LFO will begin…
Page Buttons
The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Envelope Zoom » Page Buttons
Above the Envelope Display area are six Page Buttons that select the controls for the current Layer’s AMP and FILTER Envelopes and the four global MOD Envelopes which are shared by all Layers for the Part. NOTE: The AMP and FILTER Envelopes displayed are…
STEAM Engine
Concepts » STEAM Engine
The STEAM Engine® is the core technology created by the Spectrasonics in-house development team, and is used as the basis of all Spectrasonics performance instruments, including Omnisphere, Keyscape, and Trilian. Like our core S.A.G.E. technology, used for…
The FX Page » Filters
Omnisphere includes six ultra-musical, powerful, and dynamic filters for sonic coloring and customization—even in real-time. Sculpt individual layers or overall sounds, create dynamic envelopes with vocal formants and tube radios, or…
San-Z Amp
The FX Page » Amplifiers » San-Z Amp
SAN-Z-AMP is modeled after the trend-setting SansAmp GT-2™ tube amplifier emulation pedal. It has a full set of amplifier controls and a selection of impulse responses simulating selectable, high-end mic and preamp combinations DRIVE Sometimes referred to…
Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy » Layers
Omnisphere’s Layer pages are where the majority of sound design and editing decisions are made. Each Layer has an independent set of synthesis controls that will only affect the individual Layer. These include oscillator selection, a dual-filter section,…
Groove Lock Envelopes
The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Groove Lock Envelopes
Groove Lock is one of Omnisphere’s most innovate features. With Groove Lock you can lock the groove of the Envelopes to the feel of any Stylus RMX or Standard MIDI file. This dramatically expands the rhythmic potential of the Omnisphere Envelopes. You can…
Tempo and Metronome
Getting Started » Omnisphere Standalone » Tempo and Metronome
You can easily set the Tempo of the Standalone’s internal clock to control time-based functions such as the Arpeggiator, LFOs, and Mod Envelopes. You can hide/show the Tempo controls by clicking the arrow in the center of the Footer. Setting the…
MIDI Controller
System » Modulation » MIDI Controller
The choices for MIDI Modulation Sources in Omnisphere include a variety of standard MIDI controllers such as Wheel, Legato, Expression, etc. You can use these options on the SYSTEM Page to map those sources to other MIDI controls. For example, if you don’t have a…
Morphing Modulation
The Layer Pages » Modulation » Morphing Modulation
Omnisphere has a very special modulation feature that goes beyond the standard method of modulating a single target with a single source, called Morphing Modulation. This system uses dual Sources to modulate a single Target and adds a morphing component to…
Sky Verb
The FX Page » Sonic Extensions FX » Sky Verb
Without question, Sky Verb is the most gorgeous reverb ever made for Omnisphere! This included new effect is the secret sauce of Nylon Sky, but you’ll end up wanting to use it on pretty much anything. The evocative Clouds and Trails controls add shimmering…
Sky Verb
Sonic Extensions » Sonic Extension Effects » Sky Verb
Without question, Sky Verb is the most gorgeous reverb ever made for Omnisphere! This included new effect is the secret sauce of Nylon Sky, but you’ll end up wanting to use it on pretty much anything. The evocative Clouds and Trails controls add shimmering…
Pattern Programming
Arpeggiator » Pattern Programming
Omnisphere’s ARPEGGIATOR can have up to 32 Steps in a Pattern. Each Step can have its own velocity, length, and Step Modifier. To change the velocity of a Step, you can hover and scroll or click and hold the top of the Step to drag it up or down. *When a Step…
System » Miscellaneous
This area provides global options for the instrument’s Startup Page, Round Robin settings, and preferences for how the Layers behave in the interface. Startup Page Preference Omnisphere’s default startup page is the Main Page. This menu allows you to select…
Envelope Zoom
The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Envelope Zoom
The ENVELOPE ZOOM page provides precise editing of the 12 available envelopes in a Part (4 AMP envelopes per Layer, 4 Filter envelopes per Layer, and 4 Global Mod Envelopes). Complex envelopes can be created with hundreds of stages. Each envelope segment can have…
Twisted Space
The FX Page » Sonic Extensions FX » Twisted Space
The extraordinary Twisted Space effect unit included with Twisted Trees is a hybrid ambience processor with a completely unique sonic signature. Based on over 100 natural element recordings Diego Stocco made from animals, trees, streams, caves, and forests—as…
Twisted Space
Sonic Extensions » Sonic Extension Effects » Twisted Space
The extraordinary Twisted Space effect unit included with Twisted Trees is a hybrid ambience processor with a completely unique sonic signature. Based on over 100 natural element recordings Diego Stocco made from animals, trees, streams, caves, and forests—as…
The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Oscillator Zoom » Main
The Main OSCILLATOR ZOOM Sub-Page contains many of the controls already present in the Layer Page, with some additions and a different layout. Some of the controls will change depending on the selected Oscillator mode. TRANSPOSE TRANSPOSE works like MIDI…
Performance Optimization
Concepts » Performance Optimization
The vast majority of Omnisphere Patches will play comfortably within your host, without over-stressing the computer’s CPU or memory. However some Patches employ sophisticated effects or large numbers of streamed samples, and those may require special attention.…
Custom Controls
Sonic Extensions » Custom Controls
Two of the main advantages of Sonic Extensions Patches are Custom Controls and Scenes. Custom Controls Exclusive to Sonic Extensions, Custom Controls allow for quick sound customization from a single page. Each Sonic Extensions Patch has a unique layout that…
Adding Images to a Library
Sharing » Adding Images to a Library
Omnisphere’s interface has several pages where images are shown as a visual representation of a sound. Patches, Multis, and Soundsources can have unique images displayed in different pages of the instrument. You can include…
The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Controls
The ADSR Envelope slider interface operates the same way for all the different envelope types in Omnisphere. The screenshot above is from the Envelopes Zoom page, but illustrates what a standard ADSR Envelope looks like. The first to second point (or Stage)…
The FX Page » Filters » Wah-Wah
The WAH-WAH FX unit was modeled after classic wah-wah pedals of the 1970s. It’s a fun and versatile effect that doesn’t sound like any of the other Omnisphere Filters. This FX unit works both as a sweeping wah-wah and also as an “auto-wah” envelope…
The Layer Pages » LFOs » Polyphonic
LFO 8 can be monophonic or polyphonic. When you select LFO 8, you will see a small button, labeled “P” in between the RATE and DEPTH knobs. Engaging it makes LFO 8 polyphonic, meaning each note will trigger it’s own LFO, instead of all notes…
Vintage Tremolo
The FX Page » Modulation » Vintage Tremolo
VINTAGE TREMOLO recreates the classic vintage tube amp tremolo effect. Tremolo was popularized in the 1960s, first with Surf Guitar, and later with keyboards, such as the Wurlitzer and Rhodes electric pianos. The blackface Fender amps from that time were considered…
The FX Page » Utility » Imager
The Imager is a “Swiss Army Knife” utility device that can be used as a panner, stereo/mono image control, L/R channel inverter, phase corrector, auto-panner, and gain control. PAN Controls the placement and balance of the audio within the stereo…
Getting Started
Getting Started
Welcome to the Omnisphere Reference Guide! Software 2.8.7c Soundsources v2.6.2c Patches v2.8.3c This Reference Guide is your source for comprehensive information about the functions and features of the Omnisphere system and all its components. Selecting…
The FX Page
The FX Page
Effects are an important part of Omnisphere’s sound palette, and are used to enhance the sonic character of Patches and Multis. They can add space, density, movement, alter the timbre, and shape the sound in many interesting ways. The high-quality, built-in FX…
Rack Presets
The FX Page » FX Presets » Rack Presets
Select the PRESETS menu in the upper left of the FX Rack to access Rack Presets. You can save any combination of up to four FX Units and their respective settings into a single Rack Preset. This feature gives you instant “total recall” of an entire FX Rack…
Sonic Extensions FX
The FX Page » Sonic Extensions FX
Each Sonic Extension includes two ultra high-quality custom FX units designed and created by Spectrasonics specifically for that Extension. However, Sonic Extension FX are not limited to the Sonic Extension for which they were built. They can be applied to ANY…
Sonic Extension Effects
Sonic Extensions » Sonic Extension Effects
Each Sonic Extension includes two ultra high-quality custom FX units designed and created by Spectrasonics specifically for that Extension. However, Sonic Extension FX are not limited to the Sonic Extension for which they were built. They can be applied to ANY…
Graphic EQ7
The FX Page » Equalizers » Graphic EQ7
The Graphic 7-Band EQ is useful for tailoring a full spectrum audio source with broad control of multiple bands. With the Q control, it’s more versatile than an average graphic EQ—it’s capable of achieving comb filter FX and even basic speaker…
Graphic EQ12
The FX Page » Equalizers » Graphic EQ12
The Graphic 12-Band EQ is useful for tailoring a full spectrum audio source with fine controls of multiple bands for precision control. With the Q control, it’s more versatile than an average graphic EQ — it’s capable of comb filter FX and even basic…
Parametric EQ2
The FX Page » Equalizers » Parametric EQ2
The Parametric 2-Band EQ has the benefit of precision frequency control, with two fully sweepable, overlapping bands. This type of EQ is best suited for “surgical” equalization, particularly in pinpoint cutting or reducing of an undesirable frequency in the…
Parametric EQ3
The FX Page » Equalizers » Parametric EQ3
The Parametric 3-Band EQ has the benefit of precision frequency control, with three fully sweepable, overlapping bands. This type of EQ is best suited for “surgical” equalization, particularly in pinpoint cutting or reducing of an undesirable frequency in the…
Trigger Mode
Stack Mode » Latch and Trigger Modes » Trigger Mode
Trigger Modes control the playback timing of incoming MIDI notes, providing real-time quantization as those notes are played. When the STACK MODE page is open, you can access the Trigger Mode settings for a Part by Right/Control-clicking on the Part Region. …
Software License Agreement
Legal » Software License Agreement
Spectrasonics virtual instruments come with two License Agreements, one for the software itself and another covering usage of the sounds. Below is an example of our standard Software License Agreement. We encourage potential users to see the extensive Licensing FAQs…
Nylon Sky
Sonic Extensions » Extensions » Nylon Sky
This inspiring Sonic Extension is based on the most expressive nylon guitar ever done for Omnisphere — but that’s just the beginning! Nylon Sky combines this extremely deeply-sampled instrument with Omnisphere’s synthesis power and the gorgeous new Sky FX…
FX Descriptions
The FX Page » FX Descriptions
There are 58 different professional-quality internal FX Units to choose from in Omnisphere (which can be expanded up to 66 via Sonic Extensions). For more detailed descriptions of the controls and operation, please click on the FX Unit names. DYNAMICS Tube…
The FX Page » Modulation » PRO-Phaser
The PRO Phaser FX unit is one of the most versatile and rich phaser designs. It is also capable of producing a wide array of unique sounds beyond traditional phaser effects, including tuned resonances, strange pitch-bending effects and envelope-followed phasing,…
Performing Live with Omnisphere » Latency
In order to reduce latency (the time between pressing the key and hearing the sound), it’s best to keep your hardware buffer size as low as possible. This is especially true of Patches with sharp transients (attacks), such as piano or other percussive sounds,…
The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Synth Mode » Symmetry
SYMMETRY varies the span of the waveform and is most commonly used for Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM). This is especially useful when SYMMETRY is used as a Modulation Target, as it adds shifting tone color and movement to the sound. The waveform display will…
Arpeggiator » Latch
The LATCH button allows you to toggle LATCH ON / OFF for the selected Arpeggiator Pattern. When LATCH is enabled, the Arpeggiator Pattern will continue to play, even if the notes are released. If you are already holding notes when you enable LATCH, the Pattern will…
Layer Page Basics
The Layer Pages » Layer Page Basics
Each Part in Omnisphere has four Layers, A, B, C, and D. Omnisphere’s Layer Pages have been designed to provide a useful set of controls over many aspects of the sound. From here you can control Oscillators, Filters, and LFOs, as well as sculpt Envelopes and…
Sample Mode / Soundsources
Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy » Oscillators » Sample Mode / Soundsources
Soundsources allow Omnisphere’s signal path to begin with sampled sounds instead of DSP waveforms. Soundsources are based on a ‘map’ of audio samples stored in the Core Library of Omnisphere in Spectrasonics’ proprietary STEAM format. A Soundsource can be…
Velo Mode
Stack Mode » Operation Modes » Velo Mode
VELO Mode lets you control Part-switching and cross-fading with your playing Velocity. The Parts are triggered based on their placement along the horizontal axis and the velocity of the incoming MIDI messages. Part Regions can still be configured in the same manner…
Architecture and Hierarchy
Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy
Omnisphere is a uniquely powerful synthesizer that takes well-known elements of synthesis a step further to provide inspiration for any level of musician, producer, composer, or sound designer. Omnisphere can quickly provide production-ready sounds with its factory…
Saving Racks
The FX Page » FX Presets » Saving Racks
Saving a full Rack Preset allows you to name and recall it for future use. This is a convenient way to build a custom library of preset FX chains. To Save an FX Rack Select the PRESETS menu arrow above the FX rack. A drop-down menu will appear like the one…
Hardware Profiles Menu
Concepts » The Header » Hardware Profiles Menu
Clicking on the HW Menu button to the left of the Multi Name Display reveals the Hardware Profiles Menu. From here, you may select or deactivate any of the Hardware Profiles, as well as Save User Tweaks and Restore Factory Defaults, save your changes to the…
Frequency Modulation
The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Oscillator Zoom » Frequency Modulation
FM stands for Frequency Modulation. FM has been a feature on synthesizers since the 1960s, but it became mainstream in the 1980s with Yamaha’s DX/TX series of digital synthesizers. It was well-known for producing glassy, metallic, and other harmonically complex…
Notes View
The Main Page » Notes View
The MAIN NOTES view provides a visual representation of the Patch, along with useful information and performance suggestions. Click on the magnifying glass to access the Patch Zoom, for a more detailed description of the Patch, creative ideas for its…
Loading Sounds
The Browsers » Operation » Loading Sounds
Selecting a sound in the Browser also loads it. How quickly it loads depends on the amount of samples the sound has and how they are mapped, and whether Progressive Loading or Lite Version are enabled. Progressive Loading Omnisphere’s Progressive Loading…
Getting Started » Omnisphere Standalone » Keyboard
The Omnisphere Standalone comes with an optional on-screen keyboard. From the View Menu, select “Keyboard” or hit “Command/Control-K.” The floating Keyboard window opens along the bottom edge of the interface, but it can be moved anywhere on your…
The Layer Pages » Oscillators » Oscillator Zoom » Harmonia
HARMONIA is one of Omnisphere’s most exciting and unique features. While it may seem like it shares the same functionality of a traditional Harmonizer effect, it’s actually far more powerful because it’s built into Omnisphere’s Oscillator as a polyphonic…
Arpeggiator » Trigger
Legato The Pattern will continue through all of the Steps as long as notes are played legato. If staccato notes are played, or if you lift your hand from the keys before the Pattern has finished, it will restart from the first Step. Song Position The Pattern…
Using the Omnisphere Standalone
Performing Live with Omnisphere » Using the Omnisphere Standalone
If you’re using Omnisphere as the only virtual instrument in your live rig, the Omnisphere standalone app is ideal. It’s extremely stable, uses less CPU than most hosts (since there are no extra features to tax your computer), and you can magnify the GUI…
Tube Limiter
The FX Page » Dynamics » Tube Limiter
The Tube Limiter in Omnisphere is both a limiter and compressor and is an ideal tool for pumping things up in a musical way. It was modeled on the warm sound of the famous Fairchild™ 670 tube limiters of the 1960s with a fixed internal compression ratio and a…
FX Presets – Intro
The FX Page » FX Presets » FX Presets – Intro
An FX Preset consists of the complete customized parameter settings of a specific FX Unit, which allowing the “total recall” of that one effect. It’s useful to build a library of FX Presets that you like. You can also experiment by using Presets…
The Layer Pages » Envelopes » Envelope Zoom » Chaos
The envelope contour can be randomized with the special CHAOS feature. CHAOS can change the level settings for all the points in an Envelope as well as the curve transitions between the points. CHAOS works by taking the existing points in an Envelope and…
Browser Header
The Browsers » Full Browser Overview » Browser Header
The Full Patch Browser Header contains the Browser Title, the Part selector drop-down menu, a Memory Meter, controls that let you apply filtering options using the Directory Menu, buttons that allow selection of the three browsing modes (Attributes, File…
Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy » Multis
A Multi is comprised of all eight Parts, four Aux FX Racks, a Master FX Rack and a Master Mixer. It also includes any Live Mode and Stack Mode settings, and all MIDI Learn assignments. Therefore, saving a Multi is saving the entire state of the instrument for…
Utility Menu
Concepts » The Header » Utility Menu
The Utility Menu is located in the upper left-hand corner of the Header and gives you access to some of Omnisphere’s fundamental functionality. This menu contains a MIDI Learn and Automation sub-menu as well as Undo/Redo commands. Here, you can Save, Clear,…
Many common technical support questions can be answered by checking the related section of this Reference Guide or by navigating to our Knowledgebase. NOTE: It’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest version of Omnisphere, as we continue to add new…