Related topics are listed below.
The Orb » Recording
The Orb’s movements, whether manual or INERTIA-based, can be captured with the Orb’s built-in recorder. These movements can be saved as part of the Patch. This simple feature adds a dynamic quality to a sound that is unique and quite difficult to…
Flow Capture
Getting Started » Omnisphere Standalone » Flow Capture
FLOW CAPTURE is a special recording function built into the Omnisphere Standalone app that lets you grab spontaneous musical moments without having to open your DAW. It records audio, MIDI, and .omnisphere formats simultaneously, so it’s perfect for those…
Tempo and Metronome
Getting Started » Omnisphere Standalone » Tempo and Metronome
You can easily set the Tempo of the Standalone’s internal clock to control time-based functions such as the Arpeggiator, LFOs, and Mod Envelopes. You can hide/show the Tempo controls by clicking the arrow in the center of the Footer. Setting the…
Arpeggiator » Capture
Located in the lower right corner of the Arpeggiator page, the CAPTURE button allows you to dynamically record and capture the output of the Arpeggiator, creating a MIDI clip. The record length can be set to either 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 bars—the choices appear when…
Trigger Modes
The Orb » Trigger Modes
There are two available Trigger Modes that determine whether the recorded movements are synchronized with the host sequencer or with your playing. NOTE: It is important to set the Trigger Mode before recording, as it cannot be modified afterwards. LEGATO …
Omnisphere Standalone
Getting Started » Omnisphere Standalone
There are times when you want to play and record Omnisphere but you don’t need all the tools included with a full-featured DAW. It can be time-consuming to open a DAW and set up a session just to access your favorite sounds / keyboards. You just want to sit down…
Getting Started » Omnisphere Standalone » Settings
Click on the View Menu to select “Settings” or simply click “Command/Control-E” to bring up the Settings window. When you open the Settings window, it reflects your current settings and allows you to view and set your audio / MIDI preferences for the…
The FX Page » Modulation
Omnisphere includes twelve modulation processors that span the history of recording, from vintage and modern phasers, flangers, and choruses to vibey vibrato and tasty tremolo. Analog Chorus Ultra…
Stack Mode
Stack Mode
STACK MODE is a powerful feature designed for creating splits, layers, and crossfades with up to eight Parts at once. STACK MODE offers a flexible environment for either live performance or composing. STACK MODE is especially useful for recording a multi-Part…
MIDI Learn and Automation
Concepts » MIDI Learn and Automation
Understanding Parameter Control There are three ways to control parameters in Omnisphere: Modulation, MIDI Learn, and Automation. Deciding which type of Parameter Control to use depends on a number of factors including which host you use, which parameters you…
Live Mode
Live Mode
LIVE MODE is a powerful feature that allows you to switch and layer Patches seamlessly. LIVE MODE was designed for use in a live performance environment, but is also an inspiring way to interact with the sounds of Omnisphere in composition and production…
The following answers to common questions about our Licensing and Copy Protection policies apply to licensed Spectrasonics users: What are the basic principles of the standard license agreement? Single-user music production/performance: Allowed Multiple users: Not…
FX Descriptions
The FX Page » FX Descriptions
There are 58 different professional-quality internal FX Units to choose from in Omnisphere (which can be expanded up to 66 via Sonic Extensions). For more detailed descriptions of the controls and operation, please click on the FX Unit names. DYNAMICS Tube…
AAX Avid Audio Extension. AAX is Avid’s proprietary, cross-platform plug-in format for Pro Tools. Apple Silicon Apple’s in-house CPU chips used in M-series processors. All current Spectrasonics instruments support Apple Silicon. AU Abbreviation for Audio Unit. AU…