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Omnisphere has been designed to accommodate a wide range of operations, from basic interaction with Factory Patches to comprehensive and complex sound design. The Omnisphere interface provides an intuitive workflow which offers all the depth and flexibility you…

MIDI Learn Concepts

Concepts » MIDI Learn and Automation » MIDI Learn Concepts

MIDI Learn is an immensely powerful feature that allows you to remote control virtually any on-screen parameter (including FX menu selections) with a MIDI controller. It is a very flexible system that can adapt to the MIDI device you use and allows changes made to…

MIDI Learn

Concepts » The Header » MIDI Learn

The Utility Menu provides the MIDI Learn and Automation options that apply to the entire plug-in. These include MIDI Learn Templates, Unlearn All, and access to a ‘Current Assignments’ Report. See the MIDI Learn & Automation section for…

Architecture and Hierarchy

Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy

Omnisphere is a uniquely powerful synthesizer that takes well-known elements of synthesis a step further to provide inspiration for any level of musician, producer, composer, or sound designer. Omnisphere can quickly provide production-ready sounds with its factory…

Mixer and Jumbo Views

Live Mode » Mixer and Jumbo Views

When Mixer View is selected, this area displays the basic mixer controls for each of the eight Parts. In addition to Level, Mute, and Solo, there is a Folder icon to access the Patch Browser, Latch and Trigger selectors, the Settings Zoom icon, and the Stop All…

Mute and Solo

The Mixer » Mute and Solo

Mute Selecting the M Button mutes the audio output for that Part. However, the Part is still playing in the background when muted, and will continue to use CPU resources. Solo Selecting the S Button will Solo a Part. When the Solo button is selected, only that…


Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy » Multis

A Multi is comprised of all eight Parts, four Aux FX Racks, a Master FX Rack and a Master Mixer. It also includes any Live Mode and Stack Mode settings, and all MIDI Learn assignments. Therefore, saving a Multi is saving the entire state of the instrument for…

Sonic Extensions FX

The FX Page » Sonic Extensions FX

Each Sonic Extension includes two ultra high-quality custom FX units designed and created by Spectrasonics specifically for that Extension. However, Sonic Extension FX are not limited to the Sonic Extension for which they were built. They can be applied to ANY…

Sonic Extension Effects

Sonic Extensions » Sonic Extension Effects

Each Sonic Extension includes two ultra high-quality custom FX units designed and created by Spectrasonics specifically for that Extension. However, Sonic Extension FX are not limited to the Sonic Extension for which they were built. They can be applied to ANY…

MIDI Learn and Automation

Concepts » MIDI Learn and Automation

Understanding Parameter Control There are three ways to control parameters in Omnisphere: Modulation, MIDI Learn, and Automation. Deciding which type of Parameter Control to use depends on a number of factors including which host you use, which parameters you…


Sonic Extensions » Scenes

Scenes are a unique feature found only in Sonic Extensions — they are part of every Custom Control layout. A Scene is a snapshot of the Custom Controls and therefore a unique sound in itself. Every Sonic Extensions Patch has five factory Scenes. Depending on the…

Using Satellite Instruments

Concepts » Satellite Integration » Using Satellite Instruments

Keyscape’s keyboards and Trilian’s basses come equipped with controls that permit you to modify them in many creative ways . For those who want to delve even deeper, users can open any of the sounds from the Keyscape and Trilian libraries inside our flagship…

Selecting Parts

Live Mode » Selecting Parts

To get the most out of LIVE MODE, it can often be more convenient to switch Parts by other means than the mouse — via Windows Multitouch, by MIDI-Learning the Part switches, or by using Omni TR our remote control app for the iPad . To MIDI-Learn a Part,…

Mixer Controls

Live Mode » Mixer Controls

Displays the basic Mixer Controls for each of the eight Parts, and includes a Mute button, Solo button, a Level slider, and a Folder icon to access the Patch Browser. Any changes made using the Mixer Controls on the LIVE MODE page will be reflected on the MIXER…


The FX Page » Creative

These two powerful and unique processors provide a ton of new possibilities for sound design—and they’re super fun to use! Quad Resonator Innerspace

The FX Page

The FX Page

Effects are an important part of Omnisphere’s sound palette, and are used to enhance the sonic character of Patches and Multis. They can add space, density, movement, alter the timbre, and shape the sound in many interesting ways. The high-quality, built-in FX…


Stack Mode » MIDI CC Menu

Use the MIDI CC Menu to select STACK MODE’s MIDI Control Change number when using CC Mode. When using CC, all Parts added to the Stack Mode Grid will be triggered simultaneously when notes are played, even if their Regions are outside the CC value range,…

Directory Menu

The Browsers » Operation » Directory Menu

The Directory Menu lets you filter by libraries. Select the Directory Menu down arrow or name display to open the menu. After selecting a Library, only the sounds in that Library will be displayed in the Full or Mini-Browsers. You can further refine the search by…


The FX Page » Amplifiers

Omnisphere includes nine amplifier models for unique sonic coloration. From clean, bell-like tones and fat, classic tube distortion, to sounds you can only get from the cheesiest transistor radio…

Satellite Integration

Concepts » Satellite Integration

Omnisphere 2 can fully integrate Trilian and Keyscape as Satellite instruments within the Omnisphere® interface. Not only is it a significant expansion of new Patches and Soundsources, this capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness and apply the full…

Parameter Values

Concepts » Interface Conventions » Parameter Values

Adjusting Knobs and Sliders will display their current setting or value in a floating display above the controls. Holding down the SHIFT key while adjusting Knobs and Sliders allows for more precise adjustments. Enter Parameter Value Precise settings can be…

Displaying and Navigating Results

The Browsers » Operation » Displaying and Navigating Results

There are numerous options available for navigating through the sounds and changing how they are organized and displayed. These tools let you sort sounds in various ways, and because there are many thousands of sounds to explore, these controls help you delve deeper…

Knobs and Sliders

Concepts » Interface Conventions » Knobs and Sliders

Using a mouse, Knobs and Sliders (vertical and horizontal) are adjusted by clicking and dragging. Most Knobs and Sliders in Omnisphere can be MIDI-Learned for direct control from a MIDI device. Knobs NOTE: Knobs are controlled by vertical (up and down) or…


Concepts » Interface Conventions » Switches

Switches let you toggle certain parameters ON/OFF or switch between multiple options. When a parameter is enabled or selected, the switch will be highlighted. For example on the Layer Pages, switches toggle between SAMPLE Mode and SYNTH Mode, toggle LFO Sync ON/OFF, or…

The Main Page

The Main Page

The Main Page can be considered Omnisphere’s “dashboard.” It allows quick changes to the Patch that has been loaded and there are useful performance controls that appear here exclusively. The parameter controls in the MAIN page affect the…

Loading Third-Party Libraries

The Browsers » Loading Third-Party Libraries

The most convenient method for sharing and/or adding third-party sounds is through the use of .omnisphere files (see Sharing), which contain all Patches and Soundsources being shared, as well as additional organization and information by the developer. If your…

Drop-Down Menus

Concepts » Interface Conventions » Drop-Down Menus

A downward facing arrow indicates that a drop-down menu is available. There are numerous drop-down menus in the Omnisphere interface, which provide access to settings, Presets, MIDI Learn, Automation, and other functions.

Reset Defaults and Preferences

Concepts » The Header » Utility Menu » Reset Defaults and Preferences

The Utility Menu lets you perform a “factory reset” by selecting “Reset Defaults and Preferences.” After selecting this option, a message will be displayed, warning you that this action will overwrite your default Multi and User Preferences. A…


Concepts » Interface Conventions » Buttons

Buttons are used for choosing sections or selecting from among multiples of a single type. When selected, buttons will be highlighted in blue. For example, there are 8 LFO buttons. When one of them is highlighted it means it is selected, and that LFO’s settings are…

Browsing Sounds

Concepts » Satellite Integration » Browsing Sounds

While Trilian’s browser operates in the same manner as the browser in Omnisphere, Keyscape’s Patch organization is slightly different. When opening Keyscape sounds in Omnisphere, the sounds are presented in a manner that conforms to Omnisphere’s Patch…

Utility Menu

Concepts » The Header » Utility Menu

The Utility Menu is located in the upper left-hand corner of the Header and gives you access to some of Omnisphere’s fundamental functionality. This menu contains a MIDI Learn and Automation sub-menu as well as Undo/Redo commands. Here, you can Save, Clear,…

Hardware Profiles Menu

Concepts » The Header » Hardware Profiles Menu

Clicking on the HW Menu button to the left of the Multi Name Display reveals the Hardware Profiles Menu. From here, you may select or deactivate any of the Hardware Profiles, as well as Save User Tweaks and Restore Factory Defaults, save your changes to the…

Loading Satellite Sounds

The Browsers » Loading Satellite Sounds

One of the powerful features of Omnisphere is Library Integration. If you also have Keyscape and/or Trilian installed, the libraries for those satellite instruments will appear in the Browser DIRECTORY menu along with your other Omnisphere libraries. The…

Live / Stack Mode Indicators

Concepts » The Header » Live / Stack Mode Indicators

When either LIVE MODE or STACK MODE is enabled, you’ll see the respective label displayed on the left side of the Omnisphere header.

Browsing Sounds

Sonic Extensions » Browsing Sounds

Browsing and selecting Sonic Extensions sounds works in the same way it does in Omnisphere. Select a Sonic Extension from the Sonic Extensions Directory. Patches are available for browsing on the left in the Mini-Browser, where you can select them with your…

Save as Default Multi

Concepts » The Header » Utility Menu » Save as Default Multi

Saving a Multi preserves the entire state of the plug-in for future recall. A Multi stores all of the settings from the MIXER page, the Multi FX, the LIVE MODE and STACK MODE pages, all MIDI Learn & Automation assignments, as well as all of the settings (including…

Browser Footer

The Browsers » Mini-Browser Overview » Browser Footer

The Mini-Browser footer provides additional sorting options, a Shuffle button, Up/Down stepper arrows, and an Audition button. Mini-Browser Up/Down Arrow Keys When enabled you can use the arrow keys in your ASCII keyboard to step through Patches or Multis in…

Magnify Window

Concepts » The Header » Utility Menu » Magnify Window

Omnisphere’s interface can be enlarged to accommodate different screen resolutions. Choose your preferred size in the Utility Menu / Magnify Window sub-menu: Magnify Window 0.8x – Scaled down to 80% Magnify Window 0.9x – Scaled down to…

Zoom Icon Buttons

Concepts » Interface Conventions » Zoom Icon Buttons

One of the features of Omnisphere’s interface design is that it only reveals its depth and complexity on an as-needed basis. The Zoom Icon Buttons provide access to Zoom Views, where you can view expanded information or interact with Omnisphere’s more…

Sample Mode / Soundsources

Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy » Oscillators » Sample Mode / Soundsources

Soundsources allow Omnisphere’s signal path to begin with sampled sounds instead of DSP waveforms. Soundsources are based on a ‘map’ of audio samples stored in the Core Library of Omnisphere in Spectrasonics’ proprietary STEAM format. A Soundsource can be…

Performance Optimzation

Concepts » Performance Optimzation

The vast majority of Omnisphere Patches will play comfortably within your host, without over-stressing the computer’s CPU or memory. However some Patches employ sophisticated effects or large numbers of streamed samples, and those may require special attention.…

Using Omni TR

Performing Live with Omnisphere » Using Omni TR

OMNI TR turns an iPad into a performance-oriented, remote control surface for Omnisphere. It is particularly useful when using Multis in LIVE MODE since with OMNI TR you can remotely select which parts to play using the iPad multi-touch screen—an excellent way to…

Parameter and Browser Scrolling

Concepts » Interface Conventions » Parameter and Browser Scrolling

Omnisphere lets you adjust parameters by scrolling with your mouse, trackball, trackpad, or Windows MultiTouch when the cursor hovers over any scroll bar, knob, slider, menu, or browser.

Indicator Switches

Concepts » Interface Conventions » Indicator Switches

The Indicator Switch LEDs found below the Page buttons can be both status indicators and toggles. The blue LEDs below ORB, A, B, C, D, and ARP indicate whether the feature is enabled or not, and double as a toggle to enable/disable them. The LED below MAIN…

Master Volume Control

Concepts » The Header » Master Volume Control

The Master Volume slider controls the output of the entire plug-in and includes a meter, providing a reference to the output signal. Range -inf dB to 9.54 dB


Getting Started » QuickStart

This QuickStart provides an overview of the essential things you’ill need to know in order to get started using Omnisphere. Omnisphere is a powerful software instrument and can be run as a standalone application or hosted in any software DAW. Omnisphere…

Navigation Buttons

Concepts » The Header » Navigation Buttons

The Navigation Buttons in the header are used to select and view any of the eight Parts, the Multi Section, or the System Page. Only one button can be selected at a time. Part Select Buttons (1 ~ 8) Buttons 1–8 are Part Select Buttons. Selecting a Part lets…

Up/Down Steppers

Concepts » Interface Conventions » Up/Down Steppers

Steppers (up/down arrows) are located throughout the Omnisphere interface, and are used to step through values or load saved settings, incrementing or decrementing one at a time. In the picture above, clicking the arrows will step through the different LFO…

Folder Icon Buttons

Concepts » Interface Conventions » Folder Icon Buttons

Besides the Mini-Browser, there are three Full Browsers built into Omnisphere, one each for Multis, Patches, and Soundsources. All three Full Browsers have identical functions, but access different parts of the Core Library. Anywhere that you see a Folder icon,…

Aux Sends

The Mixer » Aux Sends

Each of the four Aux Sends has its own FX Rack (accessed by selecting the FX Button at the top of the MIXER). The AUX 1~AUX 4 knobs let you control the amount of FX applied to the Part. For more information about how Omnisphere’s FX system works, refer to the…

Contextual Menus

Concepts » Interface Conventions » Contextual Menus

Contextual Menus are an important part of the Omnisphere interface, and provide convenient access to many important functions. Right/Control-clicking almost anywhere in the Omnisphere interface will bring up a contextual menu. The contents of the menu will depend…

Install .omnisphere

Concepts » The Header » Utility Menu » Install .omnisphere

Adding sounds to your library that have been Shared by other Omnisphere users is simple! Omnisphere sounds that have been shared using the Sharing feature are conveniently collected into a single .omnisphere file, which can be added to your library in a single…

Full Browser Overview

The Browsers » Full Browser Overview

NOTE: When using Satellite Instruments inside Omnisphere, its Soundsources, Patches, and Multis will also display unique images which identify the instrument or feel of the selected sound. When you open a Keyscape or Trilian Patch in Omnisphere, the Custom…

Multi Display

Concepts » The Header » Multi Display

This part of the Header contains the Multi Name Display, Multi Steppers, and a Folder icon for access to the Multi Browser. Selecting the Folder icon, or anywhere inside the Multi Name Display, will open the Multi Browser. After a MULTI has been loaded, the name of…

The Mixer

The Mixer

The MIXER page provides a complete overview of all the Parts in a MULTI. All eight Parts are displayed in a traditional eight-channel mixer layout, with each Part having the following adjustable settings: MIDI Channel Output Channel MUTE and SOLO Patch Name…


Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy » Layers

Omnisphere’s Layer pages are where the majority of sound design and editing decisions are made. Each Layer has an independent set of synthesis controls that will only affect the individual Layer. These include oscillator selection, a dual-filter section,…

Synth Mode / DSP

Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy » Oscillators » Synth Mode / DSP

Synth Mode employs your computer’s processor through the use of DSP (Digital Signal Processing) to synthesize wavetables in real-time. A wavetable is a collection of single-cycle waveforms that can be swept through smoothly (using the Shape slider), creating…

Modifier Keys

Concepts » Interface Conventions » Modifier Keys

There are a number of Omnisphere functions that are modified by combining a mouse-click (or click and drag) with one of three Key Modifiers: the Command/Control key, Shift key, or the Option/Alt key. In the manual these are referred to as: Control-Click (Mac…

Custom Controls

Sonic Extensions » Custom Controls

Two of the main advantages of Sonic Extensions Patches are Custom Controls and Scenes. Custom Controls Exclusive to Sonic Extensions, Custom Controls allow for quick sound customization from a single page. Each Sonic Extensions Patch has a unique layout that…

Save User Tweaks

Hardware Synth Integration » Save User Tweaks

When you load a HW profile, Omnisphere is instantly set up to perform a large number of sophisticated actions with the touch of a knob. You might be using your hardware synth to instantiate Omnisphere effects, create modulation routings, control multiple scaled…

Sampling/Trademark FAQs

Legal » Sampling/Trademark FAQs

The purpose of this document is to clear up any confusion regarding the sampling of Spectrasonics Virtual Instruments. We get a lot of questions about this topic from other sound designers, so we’d like to make sure our policies are clear and upfront. The…

Parts and Patches

Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy » Parts and Patches

In Omnisphere, a Part can be thought of as an entire synthesizer, complete a multitude of parameters: oscillators, modulation routings, FX etc. A Patch is a snapshot of settings for those parameters and is loaded into a Part. A Patch is the most commonly used type…

Link Omnisphere GUI

Hardware Synth Integration » Link Omnisphere GUI

When a Hardware Profile is loaded, Omnisphere follows your moves on the hardware synth by automatically switching to the relevant page. If you adjust the envelope on the hardware synth, Omnisphere will display that envelope’s zoom page. If you adjust an…


Concepts » Architecture and Hierarchy » Oscillators

An oscillator can be thought of as the smallest building block of a sound and the best place to start when creating a new Patch from scratch in Omnisphere. The signal path of Omnisphere starts with its oscillators, so oscillator settings will affect all of the…

Sonic Extensions

Sonic Extensions

Sonic Extensions is a completely new experience for Omnisphere — an innovative brand of products built by Spectrasonics. Available as an optional purchase, each Sonic Extension focuses on a specific aesthetic with a unique interface, a vast array of stunning,…

Reference Guide

Concepts » The Header » Utility Menu » Reference Guide

Selecting this option from the Utility Menu will open the online Omnisphere Reference Guide. The Reference Guide will be displayed using your default Web Browser. If you’d like to hide the Table of Contents sidebar in order to display any of the images in a…

Host Automation

Concepts » MIDI Learn and Automation » Host Automation

All MIDI-Learnable parameters in Omnisphere can also be automated using the Host Automation feature. Each host handles Host Automation differently, so it’s important to understand how your specific software will interact with Omnisphere. Enabling Host Automation…

The Header

Concepts » The Header

The top area of the Omnisphere interface is the Header. The Header is visible from any page in Omnisphere (except when any Full Browser is open) and is the primary navigation area of the interface. The Header contains the Utility Menu, Multi Information, (including…

Sonic Extensions

Concepts » Sonic Extensions

Sonic Extensions is a completely new experience for Omnisphere — an innovative brand of products built by Spectrasonics. Available as an optional purchase, each Sonic Extension focuses on a specific aesthetic with a unique interface, a vast array of stunning,…

MIDI Learn Menus

Concepts » MIDI Learn and Automation » MIDI Learn Menus

The MIDI Learn Menu provides MIDI Learn options that affect the entire plug-in. It is accessed via the Utility Menu or by Right/Control-clicking any empty area of the Omnisphere interface. MIDI Learn Template All MIDI Learn and Automation assignments are saved…

Clear, Save, Copy, and Paste

Concepts » The Header » Utility Menu » Clear, Save, Copy, and Paste

The Utility Menu provides options to Initialize or Clear Multis, Patches and Layers, and to Save Multis and Patches. There are also functions that allow Part and Layer settings to be copied and pasted. Initialize vs. Clear (Multi, Patch, and Layer) When you…

STEAM Engine

Concepts » STEAM Engine

The STEAM Engine® is the core technology created by the Spectrasonics in-house development team, and is used as the basis of all Spectrasonics performance instruments, including Omnisphere, Keyscape, and Trilian. Like our core S.A.G.E. technology, used for…


System » Miscellaneous

This area provides global options for the instrument’s Startup Page, Round Robin settings, and preferences for how the Layers behave in the interface. Startup Page Preference Omnisphere’s default startup page is the Main Page. This menu allows you to select…

FX Descriptions

The FX Page » FX Descriptions

There are 58 different professional-quality internal FX Units to choose from in Omnisphere (which can be expanded up to 66 via Sonic Extensions). For more detailed descriptions of the controls and operation, please click on the FX Unit names. DYNAMICS Tube…

Using Multis

Performing Live with Omnisphere » Using Multis

If your live gig is relatively straightforward and you don’t need to change Patches frequently, loading one Patch at a time remotely is often the simplest way to go. However, if you anticipate needing more sounds or you just want to have options to switch…

Settings Zoom

Live Mode » Settings Zoom

The SETTINGS page allows the configuration of LIVE MODE parameters. These include the Part selection methods LIVE MODE responds to, as well as settings for MIDI Channel, Modes, and Display Formats. Settings in DUAL LIVE MODE When Dual Live Mode is enabled, the…

Optimizing Performance

Performing Live with Omnisphere » Optimizing Performance

The vast majority of Omnisphere Patches will play comfortably in your host, without over-stressing the computer’s CPU or memory. However, certain Patches employ more sophisticated effects or large numbers of streamed samples, and those may require special…